

When was the battle of fort donelson?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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The Battle of Fort Donelson was fought on February 14-15, 1862.

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Q: When was the battle of fort donelson?
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Where wa the battle of fort donelson fought?

Tennessee's fort Henry

What was the first battle that was won by the union?

Fort Donelson

What was the nickname of the battle of Fort Donelson?

The Red Bath

What time of day did the battle of fort donelson take place?

The Battle of Fort Donelson broke out on February 14, 1862 at 3,30 PM, when the Union gunboats of Commodore Foote opened fire on the Fort's ramparts..

How many days did the battle of fort donelson last?

The battle of Donelson lasted for 5 days. It was fought on February 11 to 16, 1862.

What is the date for the battle of Fort Donelson?

February 12-16, 1862

What were the number of casualties in the 1862 US Civil War battle at Fort Donelson?

Casualties for the Union at the Battle of Fort Donelson amounted to 2, 832. On the Confederate side, because of their surrender, the Confederates lost 16,623 soldiers.

Who won the civil war battle of fort donelson?

The Union forces as Fort Donelsson surrendered to U.S. Grant.

Why did the Battle of Shiloh turn into a battle?

Because that was where the Confederates had been able to re-group after their defeat at Fort Donelson.

What events at the Battle of Fort Donelson aided the Union's capture of the fort?

The loss of the Confederate Fort Donelson was due in part of the ineptness of the Rebel commanders. Their commanders divided their forces in such a manner that allowed General Grant an easier path to victory.

When did fort donelson fall?

Fort Donelson fell to the Union army February 16, 1862.

What battle did Ulysses S. Grant win?

He captured Fort Henry on the Tennessee River and Fort Donelson on the Cumberland River.He won the battle of Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Appomattox.