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When the telescope was made, and when the astronauts could go to space, that was when the Milky Way and the Whole Galaxy theory was proved right.

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Q: When was the discovery of the Milky Way and the Galexy?
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What is then name of your galexy in your solar system?

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It is in the Milky Way Galexy.

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the milky way galexy

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It is unknown for sure but by the way it looks, the Andromeda galaxy is the largest. The Ansromeda galaxy is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way and is about three times the size of the Milky Way.

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Is earth in the Milky Way galexy?

The Milky Way is the name of he galaxy that "we" are in. Another way of saying it, would be that the Milky Way is the name of the galaxy that the Earth resides in. Please understand that there are many galaxies in the universe, not just one. When we look up into the sky, we can see a band of stars known as the Milky Way. That is really nothing more than us looking out from our galaxy through the thickest part of star concentration, through our own galaxy.

Who first discovered Milky Way?

The discovery of the Milky Way is credited to the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, who was the first person in recorded history to make the assumption that the Milky Way existed and was made up of billions of distant stars.

Where was the Sun in relation to Universe before Hubble made his discovery?

In the centre of the Milky Way.