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Apollo 11, launched July 16, 1969, landed on the Moon July 20, 1969 and returned to Earth on 24 July, 1969. However, while the Apollo 11 astronauts walked on the moon's surface, earlier launches tested the various spacecraft components by sending astronauts to obit the moon (Apollo 8 orbited the moon on Christmas 1968 and Apollo 10 flew the lunar lander in moon orbit, but did not land.)

Apollo 8 - December 21-27, 1968

Launch vehicle: Saturn V

Crew: Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr., William A. Anders.

Duration: 6 days, 3 hours. In lunar orbit 20 hours, with 10 orbits.

Milestones: First manned lunar orbital mission. Support facilities tested. Photographs taken of Earth and Moon. Live TV broadcasts.

Apollo 9 (Gumdrop and Spider) March 3 -13, 1969

Launch vehicle: Saturn V

Crew: James A. McDivitt, David R. Scott, Russell L. Schweickart.

Duration: 10 days, 1 hour with 152 orbits.

First manned flight of all lunar hardware in Earth orbit. Schweickart performed a 37 minutes EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity). Human reactions to space and weightlessness tested. First manned flight of lunar module (LM).

Apollo 10 (Charlie Brown and Snoopy) May 18-26, 1969

Launch vehicle: Saturn V

Crew: Eugene A. Cernan, John W. Young, Thomas P. Stafford.

Duration: 8 days, 3 minutes. In lunar orbit 61.6 hours, with 31 orbits.

Milestones: Dress rehearsal for Moon landing. First manned CSM/LM (Command and Service Module/ Lunar Module) operations in cislunar and lunar environment. Simulation of first lunar landing profile. LM taken within 50,000 feet (15,243 meters) of lunar surface. First live color TV from space. LM ascent stage jettisoned in orbit.

Apollo 11 (Columbia and Eagle) July 16-24, 1969

Launch vehicle: Saturn V

Crew: Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.

Duration: 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes. In lunar orbit 59.5 hours, with 30 orbits.

Landing site: Sea of Tranquility (0.71 degrees North, 23.63 degrees East).

Milestones: First manned lunar landing mission and lunar surface EVA. "HOUSTON, TRANQUILITY BASE HERE. THE EAGLE HAS LANDED."--July 20, 1969. One EVA of 2 hours, 31 minutes. Flag and instruments deployed; Unveiled plaque on the LM descent stage with inscription: "Here Men From Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon. July 1969 A.D. We Came In Peace For All Mankind." Lunar surface stay time 21.6 hours; LM ascent stage left in lunar orbit. Gathered 44 pounds (20 kilograms) of material.

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