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Q: When was the first intravenous line used?
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Why is an intravenous used during a colonoscopy?

An intravenous line is inserted into a vein in the patient's arm to administer, in most cases, a sedative and a painkiller.

What is the purpose of nutrition through an intravenous line?

Patients who cannot consume enough nutrients or who cannot eat at all due to an illness, surgery, or accident, can be fed through an intravenous (IV) line or tube. An IV can be used for as little as a few hours, to provide fluids.

What would you do after collecting blood from an intravenous line?

i'm not sure i need help with this question, any suggestions ? Flush the line?

How do you draw blood from an IV line?

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What is the primary portal of entry for fungus?

•Inhalation of spores•Intravenous line•Skin wounds

Why is an intravenous line inserted into the vein of a patient prior to pacemaker implant surgery?

An intravenous (IV) line will also be inserted into a vein in the patient's arm before the procedure begins in case medication or blood products are required during the insertion.

When is intravenous feeding used instead of tube feeding?

Intravenous feeding can supply some or all of the nutrients these patients need.

How is transverse myelitis treated?

Treatment is aimed at calming the immune response that caused the spinal cord injury in the first place. To this end, high doses of intravenous and then oral steroids are the first-line treatments for transverse myelitis.

What concentration of should should be used for intravenous drip?


A preferred site for inserting an intravenous medication line into a blood vessel is?

dorsal venous arch of hand

What concentration of salt solution should be used for intravenous drips?


What is the hick man site?

The Hickman line is a central line introduced through the neck veins on the left or right side and is tunneled under the skin on the anterior chest wall subcutaneously. It is used for long term intravenous feeding in surgical/medical patients