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ancient China, the abacus

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Q: When was the first mini computer invented?
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What year was mini computer invented?

The first minicomputers were invented in the 1960s. The next generation, the micros were invented in the mid- to late-1980s and 1990s.

Who invented the mini computer?

carlos negrete and harlan anderson

When was the first mini computer made?

The First Mini computa was mad in 1864Type your answer here...

When the first computer was invented not a calculating device and who invented it?

first computer was invented by Chals Babeje. It invented in 1938

Which year the Mini computer been invented?

Mini computers are smaller computers that sell for much less than regular computers. The first mini computers were produced in the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1962.

When was the first Gateway computer invented?

The first computer was invented in Germany in 1936 to 1938. The first Gateway computer was invented in 1991, which is when the company got their start.

Wwwho invented computer?

Charles Babbage invented the first computer.

Who had the first mini computer?

I think Steve Jobs?

Who invented the first modern computer during world war 2?

The first computer was invented in 1946

What year was the first commercial computer invented?

The first commercial computer was invented in 1964 by Engineer Pier Giorgio Perotto of Olivetti. The device was named Programma 101.

Where was the first computer modern computer invented?


Where was the first computer keyboard invented?

The first computer keyboard was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1875. First computer keyboards were adapted from the punch card and teletype equipment.