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the first musical gramophone was invented in late Victorian

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Q: When was the first musical gramophone invented?
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Related questions

When was the first gramophone invented?

the first musical gramophone was invented in late Victorian

Where was the first gramophone invented?

the first gramophone was made in england in 1934

Where was the gramophone invented?

the first gramophone was made in england in 1934

What did emile berliner invent?

Emil Berliner invented the gramophone, a device used for playing audio recordings. He also developed the lateral-cut disc record, which replaced Thomas Edison's cylinder phonograph as the dominant medium for recorded music.

Who invented granaphone?

The gramophone was invented by Thomas Edison.

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When did Alexander Graham Bell invented the first Gramophone?

It was Edison in 1877, Bell only improved it.

What was invented in 1885?

One thing that was invented in 1887 was the gramophone. The gramophone was invented by Emile Berliner. Other things she invented include the radial aircraft engine, helicopter and acoustical tiles.

Who was the inventor of the gramaphone?

Emile Berliner invented the gramophone.

Who inventented the gramophone?

Thomas Edison invented his tin-foil phonograph, Edison's phonograph was followed by Alexander Graham Bell's graphophone. In 1887 Emile Berliner invented the gramophone and records.

The meaning of 78?

in a musical context,early gramophone records were called 78s -this was the speed at which they were played.

Who made vinyl record?

In 1888, Emile Berliner invented the lateral-cut disc records for the phonograph (gramophone). His record label was called "Berliner Gramophone."