

Best Answer

Well, no one actually knows when it was invented, unless you were there, which is impossible your still alive. But, we do know this: it was made by the Mesopotamians, most likely the Babylonians. And also, it was in B.C. (before Chirst, if you didn't know).

Also try to ask your socail studies teacher, she may most likely know the answer, because the internet has all different answers and which one is really correct?

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Q: When was the first sundial clock made?
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Which was the first type of clock?

The first type of clock was called a sundial, and the oldest sundial dates back to around 1500 BC.

What invention made the sundial obsolete?

Invention of the pendulum clock

What was the first clock called?

It is a sundial it is also called a sun clock.

What kind of clock was invented AFTER the sundial?

the sterling silver clock was invented after the sundial

What was the first type of clocks?

The sundial was the first type of clock ever used

Where was the sundial clock made?

The earliest known sundials existed in ancient Egypt. The earliest description of a sundial is from the Old Testament of the Bible.

Who were the first people to use the clock?

The egyptians I believe with the sundial as a clock also the first people to believe in one god and that god was the sun.

What simple machine is in a clock?

A sundial.

What is the different between clock and sun dial?

A sundial is a type of clock

What is oldest clock in the world?

It is the sundial.

Who invented the first Chinese sundial?

Your Mom and me did it so we made you and asians who then went on to make the sundial

What is another word for garden clock?
