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Q: When was the last time you could see Jupiter and Saturn at the same time through a telescope?
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Could someone without a telescope see Saturn?

Yes, Saturn is readily visible to the naked eye. But you can't see the rings and moons without a telescope.

Which has more rings Jupiter or Saturn?

Saturn has the largest rings. Also if you could make a tub big enough Saturn could float in it

What had to be invented before we could discover Saturn and neptune?

The telescope, which was first built by Hans Lippershey in 1608. Galileo built a telescope in 1609 and discovered Saturn with it in 1610.

Could Saturn or Jupiter have turned into suns?

no - they're planets. Suns are stars.

Why were the Galilean moons the first objects to be discovered with a telescope?

The first telescope to be trained at the sky in about 1610 only had an aperture of about 25 mm. Beside Venus, the Moon and Jupiter there wasn't much that COULD be seen. The optical quality couldn't be very great. To see the four brightest (Galilean) moons of Jupiter was really a feat. Even Saturn came in so poorly that the rings were mistaken for jug handles!

How were scientists able to see that Saturn has an aurora?

You could see Saturn clearly from a telescope . When saturn rotates you can probably see the aurora . But on the other hand Saturn is made of gas so it probably DOES have an aurora :)

How many planets were known to the Greeks?

These are the classical planets, those that you can see without a telescope. These are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. they could be seen to be different to the stars, since they changed positions gradually in relation to the other stars (as they orbit the sun)

Which is more useful a microscope or a telescope?

Each is useful for its intended purpose. Conversely, a microscope could not offer a view of Jupiter's moons, nor could a telescope contribute much to the analysis of Drosophila mutants.

How can we see planets?

The planets positions change all the time. Some of the planets are easier to see. When they are visible, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can easily be seen with the naked eye, if you know where to look. The other planets need a set of binoculars or a telescope to see them. Check the site below to help you locate the planets. Currently Jupiter can be seen for a while after sunset, as a bright object low and towards the south.

Which planet has over 60 moons?

Both Jupiter and Saturn have more than 60 moons. Saturn may have more than 200, at least 61 have secure orbits. Saturn has 34 that have been named, and 49 altogether. It could have more, depending on how small a body qualifies as a moon. Saturn has broad rings of debris, so large they are visible from earth via small telescope. Jupiter also has rings, but its rings are faint and wispy. Jupiter has the largest moon, Ganymede, and two others nearly as large. Saturn has only one moon nearly the size of Ganymede--Titan. Titan is the only moon with an appreciable atmosphere, and Titan's atmosphere has 10 times the surface pressure of earth's.

Could Saturn be seen without a telescope at night?

Saturn is the last planet that can be seen without using a telescope or binoculars and the planet was known in the ancient world before telescopes were invented. The rings, however, can only be seen using a telescope.

Which are the new 7 wanderers of the world?

The original 7 wanderers were the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The current 7 wanderers could presumably be Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.