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Q: When was the law confirmed that you can no longer hunt koalas?
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Are koalas being hunted?

The Koala eats eucalyptus leaves, they don't hunt in the traditional sense, they forage.

Is it illegal to hunt koalas in all countries?

Koalas are found only in Australia. The koala is protected by law in Australia, and yes, it is illegal to hunt it.

Do humans kill koalas for their skin?

Not any more. Koalas were once killed for their fur, as koalas fur was in high demand overseas. Koalas are now protected by law, and it is illegal to hunt them for any reason.

What are the reasons you hunt koalas?

Koalas are not hunted now, as they are protected by law. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, they were hunted for their fur, while the Australian Aborigines used them as a source of food.

What happens after the koala is used for its fur?

Koalas are no longer used for their fur. This practice stopped in the early 20th century, after demand from the US and the UK for koala fur saw koala numbers drop to dangerously low levels. Koalas are now protected by law: it is illegal to hunt, kill or hurt them.

Are koalas overhunted?

No. Koalas are not hunted. They are protected by law.

Are humans predators to koalas?

Humans cannot be considered predators of the koala, as koalas are protected by law. Also, although the indigenous people of Australia once hunted them for food, they no longer do so. Humans cause other threats to koalas, from habitat loss to the introduction of other species which then prey on koalas.

What happens when a person kills a Koala Bear?

He goes to hell, or gaol. Koalas are protected by the law in Australia. Koalas are not bears.

Are the koalas protected from the law?

No. They are protected by the law. With few exceptions, all Australian indigenous wildlife is protected by law.

Can a koala be a pet in Australia?

No. Koalas may not be kept as pets anywhere, and that includes Australia. Koalas are natibe animals which are protected by law.

How would you confirm a law?

Any law in Christianity has to be confirmed by the POPE.

Does man hunt for platypus fur?

Man used to hunt the platypus for its fur, but does not any longer. Platypuses are protected by law, and it is illegal to hunt them or capture them. Due to hunting, their numbers had dropped to alarmingly low levels by the early 20th century, but bringing in laws to protect them certainly saved the platypus.