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The first computer used for calculation is highly dependent on what you consider a computer to be. In many views, the first computer used for calculations was the abacus which dates back to 2400 BC.

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Q: What was the first computer used for calculation?
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Was the modern computer conceptualized by Charles Babbage?

Sort of! Babbage conceived of the first programmable computer. His design was mechanical and mainly intended for the calculation of mathematical tables which were used by the navy for navigation. So if you looked at Babbage's computer (and there's a reconstruction the London science museum) it doesn't look anything like a modern computer. However, logically, it is a programmable computer so in that sense it's the first computer.

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Addition is the fastest calculation in the computer terminology.

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The computer is a calculation machine is create all transaction and calculate the all query easily so that all are banks is used to the computer because this is a very simple technology.

What are the uses of a computer in science?

Choose a Relevant Topic: Select a topic that is current, relevant, and interesting in the field of computer science. Literature Review: Conduct a thorough literature review to understand existing research and identify gaps in the literature that your paper can address. Formulate a Clear Research Question or Hypothesis: Define a clear research question or hypothesis that your paper will address. Methodology: Clearly describe the methodology or approach you used to conduct your research. Results and Analysis: Present your findings clearly and provide analysis of the results. Discussion: Discuss the implications of your findings and how they contribute to the existing body of knowledge in computer science. Conclusion: Summarize the key findings of your research and suggest future research directions. References: Ensure proper citation of all sources used in your paper following the appropriate citation style. Proofreading and Editing: Thoroughly proofread and edit your paper to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness. Submission: Submit your paper to reputable computer science journals or conferences for publication consideration. By following these steps, you can create a good research paper in computer science. You may find more specific guidelines and tips on academic writing on websites like the one you mentioned.

What country was first to use the computer and for what?

The country that was the first to use the computer was Germany. This computer was a binary calculator and was used to complete mathematical computations. The first computer used for breaking codes was used in England.

Where does a computer that is performing calculation store data?

its memory

What mean computer?

1: to make calculation : RECKON They compute by weight in selling grain. 2: to use a computer 3informal : to make sense No matter how you do the math, it will not work … . It simply does not compute.

What is the different of abacus to computer?

Abacus was manually used for counting and very old method. Computer is automatic and it can solve any length of calculation easily with no error. Thanks! William Smith

Who use the first computer?

Charles Babez used the first computer.