

When was tin discover?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Tin is one of the earliest known metals and is over 5550 years old.

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Q: When was tin discover?
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Did rin tin tin discover tin?

~sigh~. No, Rin Tin Tin did NOT discover tin. Rin Tin Tin was a dog.

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Was anyone famous for playing the tin whistle?

there was never a composer writing whistle or musician it took time to discover that

Did James Sullivan husband of Annette Kellerman discover Rin Tin tin?

No, James Sullivan, the husband of Annette Kellerman, did not discover Rin Tin Tin. Rin Tin Tin was actually discovered by an American soldier named Lee Duncan during World War I. In 1918, Duncan found a litter of German Shepherd puppies in a bombed-out kennel in France and decided to keep two of them. One of the puppies was named Rin Tin Tin, and Duncan brought him back to the United States after the war. Rin Tin Tin went on to become a famous canine actor in Hollywood during the 1920s and 1930s, starring in numerous films and television shows. He gained widespread popularity and became one of the most iconic animal stars in entertainment history. While James Sullivan and Annette Kellerman were notable figures in their own right—Annette Kellerman being a famous swimmer and actress—they were not involved in the discovery or promotion of Rin Tin Tin.

Who was the first Pearson to discover tin element?

Some elements, such as gold, silver, tin and iron, have been known since ancient times, so it is impossible to credit a single person for their discovery. Other elements were discovered around the same time by two or more scientists who were working independently of each other.

What is a catchy slogan for tin?

Tin! Tin! Its what food comes in!When you need to win, remember tin!"Don't like tin? Can it!""Don't like tin? Snap it!"tin - do you really trust alluminum?

What was George Remi's first tin-tin book?

tin-tin and the land of the soviets

What nicknames did Rin Tin Tin go by?

Rin Tin Tin went by Rinty.

Is tin a liquid or a solid when it's mined?

Tin is a solid when mined. However the solid is not tin, but a tin ore (one or more tin compounds) and the tin will have to be separated. The most common compounds in tin ores are tin oxides and sulfides.

What are the release dates for The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin - 1954 Decision of Rin Tin Tin - 5.3?

The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin - 1954 Decision of Rin Tin Tin - 5.3 was released on: USA: 3 October 1958

What are the release dates for The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin - 1954 Meet Rin Tin Tin - 1.1?

The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin - 1954 Meet Rin Tin Tin - 1.1 was released on: USA: 15 October 1954

How is tin?

Tin Tin was 14 or 15 you can pick