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In 1856 Andrew Waugh declared Peak XV as it was called in those days to be 29,002 feet high based on his computations and observations through Great Trigonometric Survey.

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Q: When was trigonometry used to estimate the height of Mt. Everest?
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How did george Everest measure the height of Everest?

Today they use satalites to measure the height of Mount Everest. When the mountain was first measured by Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India in 1847 they used a very large Theodolites weighing up tp 1100lbs and needing 12 men to carry them.

How high was Mount Everest in 1953?

In 1953 when Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest the height was 8,848 meters; this is the height that is usually used today.

What are the three methods used to measure the height of Mt. Everest?

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Identify two area in everyday life where trigonometry plays a fundamental part?

Trigonometry is used in finding the height of towers and mountains and finding the distance between celestial bodies.

How was trigonometry used?

it is used in real life situation to fin the height of thing and in math you use it to find the length of one of the sides.

What is the actual height of Mount Everest?

1852 First Height Recorded: 29.002ft or 8.839m 1955 Revised Height: 29.028ft or 8.848m 1999 Revised Height: 29.035ft or 8.850m 2005 Revised Height: 29.017ft 2inches or 8.844.43m or: Sea Level to Mount Everest Summit is 5.5 Miles Most common used height referred to is: 29.028ft or 8.848m

How is trigonometry used in electronics?

Trigonometry is used effectively in electronics.

How are sines and cosines used in meteorology?

In trigonometry sines and cosines are used to solve a mathematical problem. And sines and cosines are also used in meteorology in estimating the height of the clouds.

What is the importance of trigonometry?

Spherical trigonometry is important because the Earth is a sphere, not a plane, so if you wanted to get the distance between one point on Earth and another, plane trigonometry wouldn't give you the right answer. Plane trigonometry can be used to find the height of something without having to climb it, such as a flagpole or skyscraper. Trigonometry, whether spherical or planar, is used in engineering to design buildings, cars, ships, and planes. It is used in physics to calculate the properties of electric and magnetic fields. It is used in navigation, and projectile motion. It is also used in the design of musical chords and instruments, as well as lenses and optics.

Is trigonometry part of calculus?

It is certainly used in calculus, just as calculus can be used in trigonometry.

How firefighters use trigonometry?

Firefighters use trigonometry to determine the height of buildings and other structures. It is also used to measure distances and angles needed to reach the scene of a fire. Trigonometry is also used to calculate the flow of water or foam needed to extinguish a fire. Calculating the height of a building or structure Measuring distances and angles to reach the scene of a fire Calculating the amount of water or foam needed to extinguish a fireFirefighters use trigonometry to determine the best way to approach a fire and to ensure that the necessary resources are available. Without the use of trigonometry firefighters would not be able to accurately and efficiently respond to fires.

What is soh cah toa in trigonometry?

SoH: used for finding the sine of a triangle in trigonometry: Opposite/HypotenuseCaH: used for finding the cosine of a triangle in trigonometry: Adjacent/HypotenuseToA: used for finding the tangent of a triangle in trigonometry: Opposite/Adjacent