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its a meander =)

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Q: When water spills over the sides of a stream bank it is called?
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When a brick is lowered into a bucket full of water some of the water spills out over the sides why does it happen?

Why it happens because the mass of the brick is heavy and the force apon it is because of its weight and it makes it float and spills out of the bucket.

What is it called when water flows down into a lake or stream?

It could be called runoff, feeder stream or source.

What is a stream of water that flows into a lake or a ocean called?

There is no single name for a single stream of water that flows into an ocean but headwaters would be a good one for a single stream of water into a lake

What is a stream of water on land called?

A River

What is a head water?

A headwater is the place from which the water in the river or stream originates. It is also called the source of the river or stream

What is a noisy little stream called?

A noisy little stream is called a babbling brook. As the water flows over the pebbles in the stream it creates the noise.

Is the water in a stream called sediment?

No, the solids the water carries is the sediment.

What is a large stream of water that empties into another body of water called?


What is a piece with water on three sides called?

A Bay is a piece of water with land on three sides.

Large stream of water that flows across the land?

River, stream, waterway, brook, canal, or watercourse

What is a body of land with water on 3 sides is called?

An area of land surrounded by water on three sides is called a peninsula.

What is a large stream of water fed by tributaries and emptying into larger body of water?

It is called a current, or occasionally a stream (e.g. the Gulf Stream that travels along the US coast and carries warmer water to northern Europe).