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Condensation. This is gas molecules forming in their liquid state.

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Q: When water vapor liquid water droplets on a window in the early morning this is an example of?
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When water vapor forms liquid water droplets on a window in the early morning this is an example of .?


When water vapor forms liquid water droplets on a window in the early morning this is example of?


When water vapor forms liquid water droplets on a window in the early morning this is and example of?


When water vapors form liquid water droplets in a window in the early morning this is an example of?

Condensation. This is gas molecules forming in their liquid state.

When water vapor forms liquid water droplets on a window in the early morning this is a form of?


When you breathe onto a cold window droplets appear it is an example of?

Condensation - the cold glass causes the warm air to condense from gas to liquid.

When water vapor form liquid water droplet on window in the early morning this is an example of?

Condensation. This is gas molecules forming in their liquid state.

When you beathe onto a cold window and water droplets appear it is an example of?

Condensation. The water vapor in your breath (a gas) is chilling, and condensing into liquid water on the glass.

When you breathe onto a cold window and water droplets appear it is an example of?

condensation, where the warm water vapor in your breath comes into contact with the cold window, causing it to cool and turn from a gas to a liquid.

Which gas can produce droplets on a cold window?

Water vapor in the air can condense on a cold window, forming droplets. This is because the cold temperature causes the water vapor to cool and change from a gas to a liquid state.

Does water become liquid during condensation?

Water actually changes from a gas to a liquid during condensation. As water vapor cools down, it loses energy and transforms into liquid water droplets. This process is what forms clouds and causes precipitation.

Why do we make fog by breathing on the window in the winter?

Water vapor in your breath condenses as tiny droplets of liquid water on the cold glass surface.