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In the car it is cold but the surrounding air is hot when the water vapour touches the cooler surface of the window water droplets will formed.

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Moist warm air provided by a person sitting inside the vehicle condenses on the cold surfaces of the glass windows, so misting over occurs.

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Surface Tension

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Q: Why do water droplets form on cars in the morning?
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What are the water droplets on cars or grass in the early morning?

The water droplets known as dew form when the air temperature passes below the "dew point" and water vapor condenses from the air onto the cooler objects. When cooled, air can no longer hold as much moisture.

When water vapor forms liquid water droplets on a window in the early morning this is a form of?


What do water droplets from the air form?

water droplets in the air form rain which is part of the water cycle

When water vapors form liquid water droplets in a window in the early morning this is an example of?

Condensation. This is gas molecules forming in their liquid state.

How do water droplets form in the ocean?

Water Droplets Don't Form In The Ocean .. They Form In The Clouds With The Help Of Precipitation

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Temperature and pressure fall in the late morning?

no droplets form on ground

When clouds form condensed droplets of water form around what-?

Clouds form condensed droplets of water around molecules. This is tiny particle.

How many water droplets does it take to form a drop of rain?

5 droplets form a raindrop.

What cloud forms layers of water droplets?

cumulus clouds form layers with water droplets

What forms in the sky when water vapour condense into water droplets?

these form in the sky when water vapour condenses into water droplets

How do clouds form when water droplets grow?

the water from the sea or ocean goes up the clouds then the water droplets grow.