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Q: When were finger bowls invented?
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Related questions

Who invented finger nails?

No one invented finger nails.

Who invented the foam finger?

Earl Whipple invented the foam finger. It was originally made of wood.

Why is the white ball in bowls called the jack?

Its because the guy who invented Bowls is called Jack White.

Who invented finger painting?

Cavemen invented it, there are many examples.

When did lawn bowls become a sport?

1 AD. Jesus invented it

Who invented catwoman?

Bill Finger, Bob Kane

Who invented Tech Deck finger boards?


Who invented plastic bowls?

Leo Baekeland invented the first plastic bowl. Leo Baekeland was from Belgium but lived in New York City when he invented the plastic bowl.

Why was the foam finger invented?

To show support for a sports team.

What year was the Chinese finger trap invented?

year 187

What did people think of helmets when they were invented?

They probably thought that they were bowls, but on your head, and that now, you can get hit, and not die.

When was ink invented?

it was invented when shaniqua spilled taco sauce on a piece of paper and started finger painting with it... XD