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During WW2, but the first was not built until 1948.

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Q: When were modern computers invented?
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What did the word computer mean before computers were invented?

Before modern computers were invented word "computer" meant "somebody who computes".

How did Intel revolutionized computers?

Intel invented the 32 and 64 bit microprocessor which are in all modern computers

Who invented modern computers and what year?

Charles Babbage developed 1st computer in 1886.

Who was the man who invented an early version of the modern computer?

no, goering was a nazi and had no interest in computers nor mathematics.

Who helped Charles Babbage with his work?

He invented the Difference Engine between 1847 and 1849, a forerunner to modern computers. He is sometimes regarded as the father of computers. He also invented a machine called the Analytical Engine.

When were the real computers invented?

Modern computers were in experimental use in the 40's and 50's. During the 60's, computers were more common but only among governments or computer research companies.

What are the examples of modern technology and traditional technology?

Modern technology would be things that we have today such as smart phones, tablets, gaming systems, and computers. Traditional technology would be things such as handicrafts that were made before things such as computers were invented.

Who invented Dell computers?

Mike Dell invented Dell computers.

Was Hermann Goering a man who invented an early version of the modern computer?

no, goering was a nazi and had no interest in computers nor mathematics.

How did Descrates teach about Cartesian Coordinate System?

he invented computers he invented computers

Who invented computers and in what year?

Early computers came in form of abacus and pascals adding machine which are rudimentary calculators but the first modern computer was the difference engine by charles babbage in 1847.

What is the modern name of computers?
