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They have been visible during recent times (late January 2012) due to high solar activity. Any time there is high solar activity, there are better chances of seeing them.

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Where are the northern lights visible from?

they are mostly visible in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in Northern Canada, Norway and Russia

Are the Northern Lights visible in Russia?


Why does my friend get scared when the northern lights are visible?

Your friend probably has auroraphobia. This is the official phobia of the Northern Lights.

At what time can you see the northern lights in Maryland?

The Northern lights were visible for a short time in Maryland in October of 2001 due to a solar flare. The Northern lights are most visible the further north one goes. Video is available for a vantage view.

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When are the northern lights visible in Alaska?

No, appears in the North Pole.

Would Alaska have northern lights?

Yes they are visible in Alaska.

How much does the northern lights cover the sky?

From a partial to a complete width of the visible northern horizon.

What are the northen lights in Antarctica called?

There are no northern lights in Antarctica. However, the southern lights -- Aurora Australis -- are visible from the continent.

Can you see the northern lights from somewhere in Alaska?

Yes, they are visible from basically anywhere in Alaska where they are not washed out by City Lights. They are often visible from Northern States in the Continental US. During unusually high Solar activity they are visible even further South.

What Countries are the Northern Lights located in?

The Northern Lights occur in space, and are visible from many countries north of the Equator: the farther north, the higher your chances of seeing them.

Is it true that the northern lights appear every eleven years?

No. they appear all the time. they are visible at night in the northern hemisphere when there are no clouds and are more visible the further north that you are.