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Q: When white light passed through prism the colour which has least deviation?
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Which colour bends the most when white light is passed through a prism?

The violet colour will be refracted the most, it has a shorter wave length and a higher frequency. The red light will be refracted the least, with its longer wave length and lower frequency.

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msd 0.560

In Oklahoma is liquor for sale in super markets?

No, at least not in 2008 when I last passed through.

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Can standard deviation be a negative?

No. Standard deviation is the square root of a non-negative number (the variance) and as such has to be at least zero. Please see the related links for a definition of standard deviation and some examples.

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The median is least affected by an extreme outlier. Mean and standard deviation ARE affected by extreme outliers.

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IT MEANS you passed through his mind at least once a day.! =)

The colour least deviated when he light passes through the prism?

Out of the visible colors, red. The lower the wavelength the less it is dispersed.

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At least 250,000 soldiers, sailors and Marines passed through Florida on their way to and back from the war.

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it contains at least 50% calcium carbonate it has cracks and joints it is permeable (allows water to past through)

How did the Spanish American War help Florida?

At least 250,000 soldiers, sailors and Marines passed through Florida on their way to and back from the war.