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Q: When white light passes through a prism what color bends the most?
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Related questions

What is it called when light bends as it passes through a material?

refracted light

What is caused when light bends as it passes through a material?

Light does not bend as it passes through a material. It bends when it passes from one material to another. This is called refraction. Light can also be dispersed, that is separated into its different colours, if it is refracted enough.

Is light bends when it passes through a convex lens?

No it do not bend.

What happens when light passes through one medium to another?

the light bends

When light passes through a transparent object it bends?

Stupid question.

Which wavelength of visible light bends the most when refracted by a prism?

When light passes through a prism, the angle of deviation of any light beam is inversely proportional to its wavelengh. Since, violet color has least wave length, it bends the most and the red bends the least.Dhirender Sharma

Why does light bends when it passes through transparent objects at a slant?

due to refraction

What is it called when a light bends as it passes through water what is it called?

It is known as refraction.

What happens to water when it passes through different layers of soil?

sun light bends

What happens when light passes through a substance near 0 degrees Kelvin?

When light passes through a substance near 0 degrees Kelvin, it bends and becomes deformed.

Which color bends the least when light passes through a prism?

Violet bends the most The sequence of bending in increasing order is like violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange,red Idk abt least

What two things that happen to light as it passes through the prism?

The light bends and it is separated in the different colors of the rainbow.