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Q: When will another big bang happen?
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When will big bang two will happen?

yes it will happen again after the big crunch then of course, the big munch..... At present there is no evidence that another Big Bang will occur.

What would happen if the earth were not a convecting system?

Your Mom would get to big, and she'd create another big-bang.

When did Big Bang Beat happen?

Big Bang Beat happened in 2007.

When did Big Bang Mini happen?

Big Bang Mini happened in 2009.

Was the big bang the first thing to ever happen?

In the current model of the universe the big bang was the 1st thing to happen in the universe since time itself was created in the big bang.

Did the string theory happen before the big bang?

Unclear as there is no way to know what happened before the big bang, or even if there was a "before the big bang".

What year did big bang happen?

The big bang occurred approximately 13.7 billion years ago.

Who saw the big bang happen?

Intellectual life (or life at all) did not exist during the time of the Big Bang.

Why where people worried about the big bang?

they believe the big bang started it someday happen again

Why do people say that the big bang created the world?

The Big Bang is just another theory.

What will happen in the big bang?

well, the big bang is really not true there couldn't be a big bang or else a whole new universe would start again.but....if there was by chance the big bang would happen then it would swallow up all the planets and every thing around it starting a new universe(we would all be dead)

Why did big bang happen?

4 billion years ago