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When the container is not sealed or holes and pores exist.

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Q: When will gas rush out of its container?
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What between the particles of a gas and the walls of the container cause pressure In a close container of gas?

Contact between the particles of a gas and walls of the container cause pressure in a closed container of gas.

Does a gas has both the shape and volume of its container?

A gas will expand to fill its container. This gives the gas the shape and volume of its container.

What determines the shape a volume of a gas inside a container?

The shape of the gas is determined by the shape of the container (assuming that there is enough gas to fill the container). The volume of the gas is determined by the volume of the container (again assuming that there is enough gas present to fill the container.). When a gas is introduced into any container, it will assume the size and shape of the container if the container is filled. The exception to this rule might be if the pressure of the gas introduced is great enough to influence the shape of the container (i.e. blowing up a balloon).

What determines the shape and volume of a a gas inside a container?

The shape of the containerA property of a gas is that it expands to fill the shape and volume of a container. An exception may be the case where there is more than one gas and the heavier gasses will tend to settle to the bottom of the container.

How does a gas respond when put into a container?

The gas expand to occupy the volume of the container.

If you shrink a container containing gas what happens to the volume of the gas?

It compresses the gas and if it compresses too much, the container might not hold.

How is the gas pressure produced in a closed closed container of gas?

the particles of gas bouncing into the walls of the container.

Why does gas fill the container?

Gas fills the container because the gas expands hope i answered your question

Can a gas change is shape to suite the container?

Yes it can See a gas it needs to change its shape in order to fit into a container or anything that it can be in for instance....If i had a square container and a cirlce container the gas is going to have to change its shape to fit in to the round container...if the gas starts out in the square container it has to change its shape into a circle to be able to be in the circle container

What happens to the gas pressure if the gas is released from a small container to a large container?

When you release it into the larger container the pressure reduces from the previous amount so the gas can completely fill the larger container.

What is the matter in a gas state will out to fill its container?

it will move randomly and quickly to fill the empty space in the container..that's how the matter in a gas do to fill the container.. P/s: gas is matter that has mass and occupied space.

What takes a shape of the container solid liquid or gas?

A gas and a liquid will both take the shape of their container. However only a gas will take on the volume of its container as well.