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Q: When will nabooti island on poptropica come out its not the 3rd of october or 18nth or 19 or 20th and its not out do people lie about it being out on the 19 and 18th?
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When is mystery train island on poptropica coming out for people without membership?

The island is coming out in October for the public.

How do you get a cama on Poptropica?

you go to the nabooti island and you will see 3 people standing next to a tree thing if you taalk to all 3 people thet will make a deal with you and you say yes they will give the camra

Were is the store on Nabooti Island?

when you go to nabooti island pass the boy on the platform under you.then you go to the left. when you see three people in a row you are at the store.

Can you make Faizah hero island in Poptropica?

Suggest it to the people at Poptropica.

Where do you fight Poptropica people in Poptropica?

You can "fight" a sumo wrestler in Red Dragon island and on the free mini game inspired by the island.

In poptropica what do you do after you rescue those people from the island?

When you get them to the island, all you have left is to get the medal.

Where is Giza in Poptropica?

In poptropica, go to Nabooti Islands. Once there, after a series of people talk to you, you'll recaive a map. Click it and fly the little plane to the top right of the map. There, you will find Giza.

Are the people on Poptropica real people?

the only people that are real on poptropica are the people in the multi-player games on the main street from around the wurld the rest of the people are not real people n the next island after reality tv island will be sports island ...sounds kool

Can you make a island for Poptropica?

No u cant make a new island on poptropica only the people who found the website can make new islands

You got all the medalliens im waiting for nabooti island what can you do when waiting on poptropica?

You could go to the building like the arcade, partytime palace ect. and battle or chat with other people. Or copy peoples clothing with costumizer. Or lastly you can visit places.

In poptropica what is shark tooth island?

Shark tooth island is when you have to to save people from a giant shark

What is the most played popropica island?

hmmm.... many people like diiferent islands but the one i personally like is astronight, nabooti island and spy.