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the 5 most visible planets are the biggest planets such as jupiter saturn and mars pluto is to small and murcury isnt visible due to the suns rais.

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Q: When will the five most visible planets be seen?
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List the names of the five most visible planets Explain which ones can appear in phases similar to lunar phases and which ones cannot and explain why?

There are five planets visible to the naked eye; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. However, Mercury and Venus are interior planets (closer to the Sun that we are) and are never seen in the "full" phase. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are never seen in the "new" phase, because they never pass between Earth and the Sun. Note: This is requirement 5.1 for the Astronomy merit badge.

What time of year can you see planets?

There are generally a couple of planets visible every night of the year. Which planets will be visible and when depends on where each of the planets (and the Earth itself) are in their orbits. Here on August 28, 2009, for example, Jupiter rises about sunset and is brightly visible all night. Venus and Mars rise before dawn. Saturn and Mercury are not visible this month, because they are too close to the Sun to be seen.

What is the story behind venus?

Venus is the only planet named after a female. It is one of only five planets visible with the naked eye and has been seen in the sky since Earth's prehistoric days. The planet was discovered by Pythagoras.

The A planet that can never be seen from Earth at midnight?

Neither Mercury nor Venus are visible at midnight. Both planets are closer to the Sun than the Earth is.

What planet is an outside planet?

The five outer planets are the ones with bigger orbits than the Earth, which are Mars and the four giant planets. The outer planets can be seen at their brightest at midnight, when they are at opposition. That never happens for the inner planets Mercury and Venus.

Related questions

How many solar planets are there in the US?

I guess you mean how many planets can be seen from the US. In general, only five of the 8 planets in our solar system are sufficiently bright to be visible to the naked eye. These planets are: Mercury , Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These planets can also be seen from the US.

List the names of the five most visible planets Explain which ones can appear in phases similar to lunar phases and which ones cannot and explain why?

There are five planets visible to the naked eye; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. However, Mercury and Venus are interior planets (closer to the Sun that we are) and are never seen in the "full" phase. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are never seen in the "new" phase, because they never pass between Earth and the Sun. Note: This is requirement 5.1 for the Astronomy merit badge.

Which outer planet can be seen from earth without the aid of a telescope?

There are 5 planets that are visible to the naked eye and can be seen without the aid of a telescope. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

What time of year can you see planets?

There are generally a couple of planets visible every night of the year. Which planets will be visible and when depends on where each of the planets (and the Earth itself) are in their orbits. Here on August 28, 2009, for example, Jupiter rises about sunset and is brightly visible all night. Venus and Mars rise before dawn. Saturn and Mercury are not visible this month, because they are too close to the Sun to be seen.

Which five heavenly bodies are visible to the naked eye?

Aside from the sun and moon, the fiver inner planets (other than the earth) are visible to the naked eye. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can all be seen at times without the aid of any optics.

What are Five synonyms for the word visible?

visible. noticeable. perceptible. any word that means ABLE TO BE SEEN.

What is the story behind venus?

Venus is the only planet named after a female. It is one of only five planets visible with the naked eye and has been seen in the sky since Earth's prehistoric days. The planet was discovered by Pythagoras.

Does light pollution effect how you see planets?

In short, yes, but it really depends on how far the planets are from Earth. Planets such as Venus and Jupiter can be seen literally as soon as the sun has set, so nearby planets will be visible in light-polluted cities.

Why can you see planets and stars on a night?

The reason you can see planets and stars at night is that their light is faint and the brightness of the sun obscures them during the day. At night, when the sun is not visible, the fainter light from the planets and stars can more readily be seen.

Why weren't all the planets discovered at the same time?

Most of the planets are visible to the naked eye, and were known in ancient times. Only the outermost two, Uranus and Neptune, required telescopic searching and mathematical analysis of their suspected orbits. They are too dim to be seen without magnification.

Why are planets in the solar system visible from earth even though they don't give out light?

Nearby planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars can be seen form earth through naked eye. But their visibility is low and are seen only during special occasions.

Why are there no planets on the moon?

Planets do not exist on other bodies, they orbit the sun independent of one another. The planets are easily visible from the moon. In fact they are probably even more easily seen than they are from Earth due to the moon's lack of an atmosphere.