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Q: When will whales extinct if Japan continues to catch 1000 whales every year?
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How much do they get paid for killing whales Do they do it every day Do they go to the same spot every day Are whales nearly extinct How many do they catch in one job How many till extict?

btw its for a school inquiry answer up!! thank you x

Why did megalodons go extinct?

There are likely several reasons why the Megalodon Shark became extinct: -The rise of the Panama isthmus blocked off breeding grounds -Killer Whales may have preyed on Megalodons -Great White Sharks out-competed the juveniles -Whales became faster and were harder to catch -The climate became colder and Whales moved to warmer waters

Why cant whales catch food in shallow water?

=why can`t whales catch food in showllow water?=

What can you not catch a lot of when you can not catch a lot of catchalot?


What do whales do to live?

Whales catch krill and small fish.

Can you catch TB from whales?


How come japan doesn't get punished for hunting whales?

Because the IWC has no power beyond condemnation - it is entirely a voluntary, non-governmental body. The whales that the Japanese catch are also allowed under IWC rules as a scientific catch - the meat is a byproduct of research (like we all believe that!!)

What is a spear to catch whales called?

A harpoon

How do whales catch their prey?

They chase after its pray.

How do pilot whales catch their prey?

they bite it

What are the people who catch whales?

People hunt whales for meat, bone and all other parts of the body to make all sorts of everyday things, such as oil and make-up

How does whales use blubber to catch its prey?
