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Fertility, ovulation etc. is based upon your reproductive system, ovaries, fallopian tubes & hormone level during ovulation each month. Previous abdominal surgeries, scar tissue, previous pegnancy's & type of delivery, history of endometriosis, etc. Medical history. Its all internal placement and timing. I am a nurse and have worked in a hospital for 5 1/2 years. Good luck with all your family planning. I am 32 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby & my second son was only 7 months old when we found out. It can happen!! == Pregnancies Are As Varied And Individual As The Mommies-To-Be Are== It also has a lot to do with your body type, level of physical fitness, family history, and size of your baby. A small woman carrying a small baby may not appear to have a large belly. But a small woman carrying a larger baby may look huge. A tall, normally skinny woman, may start to show sooner than someone who is a more average height and weight to begin with, and she may end up looking like she swallowed a Basketball. Your level of fitness makes a difference, too. If you're fit and toned, with strong back and stomach muscles, your posture will make a difference in how you show. I was in great shape when I had my first (10lb 1oz)and second (9lb 2oz) babies and I looked fine. But I hadn't gotten back in shape after my second (she was 8 months old when I got pregnant again) and I looked bigger with my third (7lb 13oz) than I did with either of the other two, much larger babies. I think this may have been because my stomach and back muscles, not being in great shape, weren't strong enough to support and hold in a growing baby. Exercising during pregnancy is possible during pregnancy if it's done safely and responsibly, and under a doctor's supervision. (I was just too tired or lazy to exercise during my last pregnancy.) The amount of weight you carry before and that you gain during your pregnancy can make a difference. An overweight woman, or one with a large frame, may not show for a long time or not at all. I believe genetics has a lot to do with it too. My sister, Mom and I all looked pregnant when we were expecting. But my cousin and aunt (uncle's wife) were smaller. If fact, my cousin is pregnant now, due in about 5 weeks and if you didn't know better you'd think she was only maybe 5 months along. If you carry your baby high or low, can effect how you look.

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Q: When women get pregnant why do some have larger stomachs than others?
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