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A bee starts producing wax when it is about ten days old and reaches a peak by day 16. From day 18 and for the rest of its life the wax production slowly declines.

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Q: When would a bee start to make wax?
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To make a bee on Alchemy, combine a wild animal and a flower. A house and a bee or a tree and a bee will make a beehive. A flower combined with a bee will make honey, and a bee combined with a beehive will make wax.

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you need bee wax and some other components. Bee wax have to be obtained from the hives, and you need a lantern frame.

How does bee produce wax?

The worker bee makes wax using nectar and special glands which are designed for that purpose.

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Honey bees are able to produce wax from a gland on their body. By sticking the flakes of wax together they produce the walls of the cells that make up a honeycomb.

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a bee

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The wax moth lives and breeds in a bee hive and as its name suggests, eats the wax in the hive leaving it looking unsightly.

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Wax and propolis

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The total fatty matter in soap can be determined in a few different ways. The soap can be reacted with either bee wax or a wax cake to determine the fat percentage.