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When you know the person is very sick and on the dying bed, that is the exact time when you call a priest for annointing.

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Q: When would you call for a priest to administer the sacrament of anointing?
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What is Viaticum and why is it important in the Sacrament of Anointing of the sick?

Viaticum is the Holy Eucharist as administered to those who are dying or in danger of death. It is usually administered during the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. However, if no priest is available for the anointing, an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist may provide the Eucharist to the person but they would be unable to anoint the person or hear their confession.

What color do priests wear for annointing of the sick?

The priest normally wears whatever color stole that he already has on for that day, or another sacrament. For instance, he would most usually have a violet stole on as normally he would hear the confession of the person before he anointed him. Conversely, if he is called to the scene of an accident or to a hospital for an emergency anointing, the small stole that priests carry with them is violet. However, if the priest is anointing people, for instance, after Mass, then whatever color stole he had on for that Mass would be what he wore for the Sacrament of Anointing. Anointing itself does not call for a particular color of stole.

What would be the recommendation about the sacrament of the anointing of the sick?

Extreme unction

Who performs the Anointing of the Sick?

The elders anoint with oil. Elders within the church. Also, in keeping with the spirit of the scripture, ANYONE who has the faith, can do so. That word faith, is a very big word. James 5:14 from the bible.Roman Catholic Answer:Only priests (elders) can presently anoint the sick. The sacrament often includes hearing the confession of the individual and only a priest can hear a confession. Only in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches is this considered as a sacrament

Who receives the anointing of the sick?

People that are are dying/about to die, have a chance of dying because of something (Such as before a high-risk surgery), or are just very ill. The person to receive the Anointing must be a baptized Catholic. If capable and if needed, they should go to confession first, and receive Holy Communion afterward. I know that the sacrament forgives venial sin, I am not sure about mortal sin in the case of someone no longer capable of making a good confession prior to receiving the sacrament - you would need to ask the priest that. The Catechism says that the sacrament "obtains the forgiveness of sins, if the sick person was not able to obtain it through the sacrament of Penance.

Does the pope have a special sacrament?

No, the pope has the same seven sacraments as do all Catholics. As a priest and then bishop, he would receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders which is reserved for the clergy but there is no special sacrament for his elevation to the papacy.

What is the Last Rites also known as?

The Sacrament of "Anointing the Sick" is also known as "Extreme Unction" or "The Last Rites." This sacrament is traditionally administered to a Catholic who is in immediate danger of death or who is actually dying. In the case of terminally ill people, it is encouraged to ask for the sacrament while the person is still lucid so that they might take comfort and strength from the sacrament and have a chance to confess their sins; too often people wait until a person is comatose or even dead before calling a priest, thus depriving the person of choice graces. The sacrament can be administered multiple times, even for the same illness as circumstances change, so you do not need to wait until the last minute to call a priest. If a person has died, still call a priest; the exact moment the soul leaves the body is not a precise science and so a priest may conditionally administer the sacrament to one already declared legally dead (within a reasonable time elapse from the time of death). Among the graces the sacrament gives for preparing the soul for death, it may also give the grace of a recovery, that sometimes is extremely sudden or miraculous. A priest may only administer this sacrament to a Catholic, if a person in danger of death who is not a Catholic suddenly wishes to receive this sacrament, they must first be baptized and then they may receive the Anointing.

Is a celebrant a Bishop priest or Deacon?

In the Catholic church, a celebrant is one who celebrates a sacrament. In a wedding, this would be the priest because he is the one authorized to perform the marriage.

How did the Jewish priest bless the oil?

The priests blessed the oil, as it would be used for many important things like anointing of kings, healing of the sick and so on.

What is sacrament of healing?

.Roman Catholic AnswerThe two Sacraments of Healing are Confession and Anointing of the Sick; the Sacrament of Ministry would be Holy Orders. I think you could make a case for all of the sacraments being "of ministry" especially baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, Marriage, and Holy Orders.

How is the sacrament of annointing of the sick celebrated?

They would be reconciliation (confession) and holy communion. The other sacraments, baptism, confirmation, holy orders, and matrimony are only administered one time by clergy but are practiced perpetually throughout your life. Anointing of the sick can be administered more than one time.

How did the Apostles administer Confirmation?

Probably in a similar way as is still practiced in the Eastern Rites: that is, it was the second half of baptism, and was administered immediately following baptism. A vestige of this survives in the Latin Rite, where there is still an anointing with Sacred Chrism immediately after Baptism. So it would have been the anointing at the end of the initiation ceremony when the Apostles administered Confirmation.