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When would you see a change in behavior resulting from latent learning

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You may see a change in behavior resulting from latent learning when the individual suddenly demonstrates knowledge or skills that were not previously shown, despite not having received reinforcement or motivation during the initial learning period. This change typically occurs when there is a reason or incentive for the individual to display the learned behavior.

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Q: When would you see a change in behavior resulting from latent learning?
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Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change?

Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change ___________. phase

What is the difference between latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vapourization?

Latent heat of fusion is the energy required to change a substance from solid to liquid at its melting point, while latent heat of vaporization is the energy required to change a substance from liquid to gas at its boiling point. Both represent the energy needed to change the state of a substance without changing its temperature.

Why is latent heat of vapourisation higher than latent heat of fusion?

The latent heat of vaporization is higher than the latent heat of fusion because it takes more energy to change a substance from a liquid to a gas (vapor) than from a solid to a liquid. This is because breaking the inter-molecular forces in a liquid requires more energy than overcoming the intermolecular forces in a solid.

What is the relationship between energy and phase changes?

During phase changes, energy is either absorbed or released in the form of heat. This energy is used to break or form intermolecular forces between particles. As a result, temperature remains constant during the phase change until all the substance has transitioned to the new phase.

What is energy absorbed and stored in vaporous molecules called?

The energy absorbed and stored in vaporous molecules is referred to as latent heat. This represents the energy required to change the state of a substance without a change in temperature, such as during the process of evaporation or condensation.

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How is latent learning different from the kinds of active learning that are achieved when you are trying to achieve a goal?

Latent learning is learning that occurs without any obvious reinforcement or motivation, while active learning involves goal-oriented behavior that is driven by rewards or consequences. In latent learning, the knowledge is acquired passively and may not be immediately demonstrated, whereas in active learning, the learner is actively engaged in problem-solving or task completion to achieve a specific outcome.

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Tolman's key concepts include cognitive maps, latent learning, and purposive behavior. Cognitive maps refer to an individual's mental representation of their physical environment. Latent learning suggests that learning can occur without reinforcement, while purposive behavior emphasizes goal-directed actions based on mental processes.

What is latent behavior?

Latent behavior is where the information you learned is stored internally, but they havent yet reflected on their behavior.

What is the mental process involved in learning?

latent learning

Who developed latent learning?


What is learning that is not manifested until some later time?

Latent Learning

What is learning that remains hidden until its application becomes useful?

Latent Learning.

What is latent learing?

It is the potential of learning, as yet in an undeveloped state

Term used to describe learning that occurs in the absence of a reward or consequence?

Intrinsic motivation.

What is latent behavior in psychology?

Latent behavior refers to actions or responses that are present in an individual but not outwardly expressed. These behaviors are not readily observable and may be unconscious or hidden from others. Psychologists often study latent behaviors to better understand an individual's motivations and internal states.

The form of energy related to the change of the state of water?

The energy which must be transferred to or from a sample of water in order to change it's state is called the Latent Energy or Latent Heat - for example Latent Heat of Evaporation or Latent Heat of Freezing.

What is an example of latent learning?

The mental acquisition of knowledge without an obvious reward.