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The muscles build lactic acid when you're doing strenuous exercise.

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13y ago

Your muscles produce lactic acid when you exercise or when they are stressed in a manner similar to exercise since lactic acid is produced because of a lack of oxygen to your muscle cells.

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skeletal muscle

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Q: When would your muscles produce lactic acid?
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What do muscle cells produce when they are deprived of oxygen?

The muscles will produce lactic acid which feels like the muscles are burning.

When do people produce lactic acid?

When their muscles work

When muscles are deprived of oxygen what do they produce?

lactic acid

Why do you get a burring sensation in your muscles during exercise?

that burning sensation is the lactic acid building up in your muscles when your muscles produce lactic acid the start to burn thats why you get the sensation

When muscle cells are deprived of oxygen they produce?

The muscles will produce lactic acid which feels like the muscles are burning.

What do humans produce during anaerobic respiration that harms muscles?

lactic acid

What acid is associated with muscles in the body experiencing lack of oxygen?

When your muscles contract without enough oxygen they produce lactic acid.

When muscles are contracting under oxygen deficient conditions what is formed to ensure they maintain a supply of ATP?

Muscle cells produce lactic acid during anaerobic fermentation. A buildup of lactic acid cause your muscles to feel tired.

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What does lactic acid do to your muscles?

gets ur muscles tight

Which process causes athletes to experience a burning sensation in their muscles?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

What happens if enough glucose doesn't reach the muscle during exercise?

the muscles produce lactic acid which then relieves the muscles but it results in muscle cramps