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Q: When writing an ionic formula how do you indicate that a polyatomic group is present more than one time?
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What is the proper way of writing the chemical formula?

There are many ways to write a chemical formula, but the most common way is by following these steps (beware that different types of bonding are named in different ways) 1) Look at the charges for all listed elements or polyatomic ions and solve for neutrality (in other words, make sure that when you multiply the charges by the number of each and then add them together so it equals zero) 2) You may not have to look at the charges if it is a type IV compound in which case you can look at the greek prefixes and use those to figure out how much of each you need (just for reference: mono=1 but it is rarely used) di=2 (sometimes bi) tri=3 tetra=4 (sometimes cuad) penta=5 hexa=6 hepta=7 (sometimes septa) octa=8 nona=9... and the list continues 3) Lastly, just write out the formula with the more electronegative element or polyatomic ion first(if you have the name the more electronegative one will be the element listed first) and using subscript(s), indicate the number of each part