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No. Farts are made up of gases, idiot.

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Q: When you Fart do little chunks of Feces Shoot out like a Shotgun Blast?
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What causes red chunks in feces?

The food you ate.

What are the little black specs in feces?

Mini turds.

Do you poop or pee smoothies?

Best AnswerWell, it depends on how thick or thin the smoothie is, if it has chunks, it'll be feces, if it's really thin like milk, it'll be urine.

Can Constipation cause bleeding?

Yes it can. The feces is harder and you can get hemorrhoids which will break and bleed when the feces press on it or it will just bleed a little anyway.

Is buzzard feces dangerous?

Most animal feces is dangerous if ingested by humans. Turkey buzzard feces may be a little more dangerous because bacteria dangerous to humans can live comfortably in the gut of buzzards.

What does toad feces look like?

It looks very similar to human feces, but much smaller.

Is human feces worse than dog feces?

Yes, to humans, human feces is generally worse than dog feces. See, other species don't get all the same diseases that we do, and we cannot contract everything they can. However, dog feces is bad enough. A little girl in the UK received and eye injury and then fell in some dog excrement. The feces caused her eye to become severely infected, and she ended up losing that eye.

Why doesn't rabbit poop stink?

Rabbits actually excrete two types of "poop", partially digested cecals (aka "night feces") and fully digested feces. True feces are firmer and smaller, having been fully processed by the rabbit; while the feces isn't entirely odourless, it does have very little smell. Cecals are formed in the large intestines and are reingested by the rabbit in order to absorb certain vitamins and minerals; they are a little larger and moister than true feces and may have slightly more aroma. The lack of noticeable smell in either form is most likely due to the nature of a healthy rabbit's diet. Rabbits are true herbivores (plant eaters) and the high fibre content of their diet produces drier feces with little waste remaining.

Is it feces or feces?

Feces is correct in America. Faeces is correct in International English.

Do elk feces look like deer feces?

Not exactly. Elk have droppings that are a little bit larger than the droppings you'd find from deer. They do look similar (as they are both in the form of droppings) but size is the big differential.

Do turkeys eat their own feces?

Yes. Turkeys do eat their own feces. But whether they do or not depends on how they were raised and lived in clean environments where humans would clean their feces to keep the turkeys from ruining their own taste. On the contrary, wild turkeys taste like feces & you'd know the reason.

Why did your whole family turn into feces?

Because your feces has magical powers that turns anything it touches to feces, and one day your family thought your feces was cookies, ate it, and then they turned into feces! TADAA!