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According to the instructions on the CSS for the game Counter Strike Force, it says that you should have a sound card with a headset. You don't say which headset you are using. If you are using a wireless one it may be picking up interference, which could cause buzzing. If you are using one that has a sound card then it may have a loose connection when plugged in. Damage to cords and connections are a common liability when it has been used fairly often. If a cord has a loose connection in the wiring somewhere it can cause the buzzing in your ears. If this is still under warranty you will want to get it replaced.

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Q: When you Talk on CSS your Plantronics Gamecom headset only makes a buzzing noise?
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Indeed! Microsoft makes their own wireless headset, but there are third parties such as Logitech that make them, too.

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Fritinancy is the correct answer.

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It makes a sort of a buzzing rasp sound.

How do bees and mosquitoes create a loud buzzing noise?

Both bees and mosquitoes make the buzzing noises with their wings. Their wings are moving at such a high rate of speed that it makes the vibrations and buzzing sounds.

Why do bees make a buzzing sound?

Bees make a buzzing sound, because they flap there wings 11,400 times per minute, which makes the sound.

What makes the buzzing sound on a honeybee?

The high speed flapping of their wings makes a vibration sound that is the 'buzz' that you can hear.

What does the word buzzing mean?

Buzzing can be derived from buzz, an onomatopoeia for the sound, for example, a bee makes. Buzzing would thus be the present progressive of buzz, meaning it is currently taking place. Also, buzzing can mean something is popular and making a name for itself, like the more commonly used term 'trending'.

What sound is created by fast vibrations?

A buzzing sound is what you will hear when something is vibrating very fast. For example, a bee flaps its wings so fast and that is what makes the buzzing sound that you hear.