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net force

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When you add all the forces acting on an object together, you get the net force. The net force is the overall force that determines the object's motion according to Newton's second law of motion, F = ma.

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13y ago

The resultant force.

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Q: When you add all the forces acting on an object together what do you get?
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What happens to forces when they are acting in the same direction?

Two forces acting in the same direction add together. If those two forces are acting on an object, the object will accelerate faster than if there was only one force acting on the object.

How do you canculate net force?

To calculate the net force on an object, you need to add up all the individual forces acting on it. If the forces are in the same direction, you add them together. If they are in opposite directions, you subtract the smaller force from the larger one. The net force is the overall force acting on the object.

When an object is at rest what are the forces acting on it?

When an object is at rest, the forces acting on it are balanced. This means that the forces pushing or pulling in one direction are equal to those pushing or pulling in the opposite direction. The two main forces in play are gravity acting downwards and the normal force from the surface pushing upwards.

How do you get net force?

To calculate the net force acting on an object, you need to add up all the individual forces acting on the object in the same direction and subtract any forces acting in the opposite direction. The formula to find the net force is: net force = sum of all forces.

How do we calculate resultant forces?

To calculate the resultant force, you need to add up all the individual forces acting on an object. If the forces are acting in the same direction, you simply add them up. If the forces are acting in different directions, you need to consider both the magnitude and direction of each force to determine the resultant force.

Related questions

What happens to forces when they are acting in the same direction?

Two forces acting in the same direction add together. If those two forces are acting on an object, the object will accelerate faster than if there was only one force acting on the object.

How is the net force on an object detemined?

You add together all the forces acting on the object - using vector addition.

Do you add or subtract if forces are acting on an object in the same direction?


If the net force On an an object is zero what do you know about all of the forces acting on the object?

Net force is a combination of all the foces acting on an object.If two forces are acting in the same direction you add the forces to calculate the net force

When an object is at rest what are the forces acting on it?

When an object is at rest, the forces acting on it are balanced. This means that the forces pushing or pulling in one direction are equal to those pushing or pulling in the opposite direction. The two main forces in play are gravity acting downwards and the normal force from the surface pushing upwards.

What does the term balance mean?

If you add up all the forces acting on an object, they are balanced if they equal zero. (They cancel each other out). If the forces acting on a object are balanced, then the acceleration of that object is zero. It may still be moving, but it is not accelerating. An object that is not accelerating, (the sum of the forces acting on it is zero), is in equilibrium.

When does a moving object accelerate?

An object accelerates when all the forces acting on it don't add up to zero.

What can you say about the forces acting on a stationary object?

A stationary object has balanced forces acting on it. That means the forces pushing or pulling in different directions are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in no acceleration or movement of the object.

What is the net force equation?

It means the same as the sum of all the forces acting on an object. Note that since forces are vectors, they have to be added as such. For example, an book resting on a table has gravity pulling it down; on the other hand, the table is pushing the book upwards (by Newton's Third Law; since the book pushes down on the table). Adding all the forces together, you get a zero force - which must be so, for the object to remain at rest.

Can you say about the no forces acting on a stationary object?

If there are no forces acting on a stationary object, according to Newton's first law of motion, the object will remain stationary. This is because an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force.

How is net force on an object determined?

Add the different forces together to find the net force. For example, if you have a force of -5N acting on an object and another force of 8N acting on that object, the net force is 3 N.

Balance forces have what affect on an objects motion?

"Balanced forces" means a set of forces that add up to zero.This group of forces acting on a single object have no effect on its motion, because they add up to zero,and their effect is equivalent to zero force on the object.