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The law is not a bunch of made-up rules you might have on a school playground -- "What I did does not count cause he did it first!" Suppose someone slaps me, and I beat him to death with a hammer. You think I would get charged? Of course.

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Q: When you are hit first why are you charged with assault?
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What are charged with if you hit someone with a bat in Missouri?

Assault and battery is what you would be charged with.

What is first offense assault charges on a minor in Missouri?

They would be charged with assault. There is no difference in the laws for juvenile or adult offenders - - only in how they are treated in court.

Can a 17 year old be charged for assault on a 16 year old if he started it in the state of Missouri?

Yes, they can be charged with assault. They may even be charged as an adult.

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It may depend entirely on the potentially serious head injury. If it is more than just simple scratches you very well could be.

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They should be charged with assault.

Can you make a complaint for assault after being charged with assault in the same incident?

It depends on the state. Some do not allow "assault on assault" charges.

Your son was trying to kill himself and hit another car and has been charged with aggravated assault no one in the other car was hurt can he plea first offender?

Not enough info given to intelligently answer this question. Why was he charged with "Agg Assault" instead of a traffic violation? What was his intent in hitting that specific other car? Did he know someone in it, or was it a completely random choice? If he was "trying to kill himself" why is he being charged at all, instead of committed for mental observation?

Is it hard to prove who hit who first in an assault case?

Not usually.... and if there is conflicting complaints the officer can always arrest for a "criss-cross" assault.

Can a parolee be charged with violation of parole for a simple assault simply because they are accused of simple assault...Do they need to be convicted first?

A parolee can be violated by being in close proximity of the commission of the crime of simple assault. So, yes.

What age did Jack Joker get first charged with assault in Batman?

Jack Napier is the fictional character who became known as the Joker in Batman. Jack was first arrested and convicted for assault with a deadly weapon when he was age 15.

What would be the adult consequences of beating up your parents when they hit you first and shoved you while getting literally in your face?

Anyone who "beats up" another could be charged with assault, battery, and a number of other criminal charges.

Was the sham-wow guy arrested?

yes. In February, he was arrested and charged with assault. The story is, he took a hooker up to his room, and she bit his tongue and wouldn't let go. He hit her in the face until she released her hold and then ran down to the lobby, bleeding heavily. Both he and the prostitute were charged with assault.