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When you are hopeless, first you are to regain your self-confidence. Make a list of successes you have achieved so far in life and how and under what circumstances they were achieved. Always think positive, as pessimism kills an individual in totality. Meditation and prayer help in concentration and make mind free of all evil thoughts and hopelessness.

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Is hopeless a verb?

no because you can not do hopeless run is a verb and you can run but you can not hopeless.

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more hopeless, most hopeless

How do you say hopeless romantic in Latin?

desperato venerem is hopeless romantic

What part of speech is hopeless?

No, the word 'hopeless' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as without hope.The noun form of the adjective 'hopeless' is hopelessness.The words 'hopeless' and 'hopeful' are the adjective forms of the noun hope.

Is hopeless a abstract noun?

No, the word hopeless is an adjective, a word that describes a noun: a hopeless situation, a hopeless butterfingers, etc. The abstract noun form for the adjective hopeless is hopelessness.

Is hopeless an adverb?

No. Hopeless is an adjective. Hopelessly is an adverb.

What is a good sentence for the word hopeless?

I am hopeless.

What part of speech is hopeless in?

The word "hopeless" is an adjective.

Is there such word as hopeless?

Yes.Definitions of hopeless on the Web: * without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success; "in an agony of hopeless grief"; "with a hopeless sigh he sat down" * of a person unable to do something skillfully; "I'm hopeless at mathematics" * certain to fail; "the situation is hopeless" * (informal to emphasize how bad it is) beyond hope of management or reform; "she handed me a hopeless jumble of papers"; "he is a hopeless romantic"

State of being hopeless and dead?

state of being hopeless and dead you are hopeless to the point were your thinking of committing suicide

When was Hopeless Pictures created?

Hopeless Pictures was created in 2005.