

When you become anorexic do you get fat?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The exact opposite happens

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Q: When you become anorexic do you get fat?
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Can someone be average size and still be anorexic?

Yes, some people are started out as fat, but if your not fat is is likely that you will become scrawny. Also some people can eat or starve for long periods of time and not change in size. (THIS SHOULDN'T INSPIRE PEOPLE TO BECOME ANOREXIC)

How do sims become anorexic?

They can't become anorexic.

Why do people become anorexic at young ages?

People Become Anorexic At Young Ages Because They Get Bullied At School ( E.g called fat ) So They Look At Themselfs And Call Themselfs Fat And Then They Disied To Loose Some Weight But They Still Found Themselfs Imperfect So They Keep Going ... :) Hoped I Answerd Your Question

Will you become anorexic from eat fruits and veggies only I am Just wondering im tryin to chang my eatin habit but i was wounder if you could become anorexic from only eating fruit and veggs thanks?

No, being anorexic is not a diet it's an illness. It's when you stop eating because you believe your fat. I hope this answers your question.

How much money is spent on anorexic teenagers?

Im not sure, you should become anorexic and figure it out, HAHA! =) Im not sure, you should become anorexic and figure it out, HAHA! =)

Who made the 'fat' insult that caused Karen Carpenter to become anorexic?

It seldom is ever just one person who makes a mean comment about weight that forces someone to become anorexic. Often, it takes many comments of some period of time for the person to begin to develop their anorexic tendencies. Usually it is coupled with low self esteem and low body image.

How do you become Anorexic in a day?

You don't

Does becoming anorexic make you lose belly fat?

Becoming anorexic makes you malnurished and paranoid because you are trying to keep the fact that you are anorexic a secret. Being anorexic also leads to many deaths and mental illnesses every day, but back to your originally question yes it does help you loose belly fat.

Does your heart shrink if your anorexic?

It cant really it won't promise me but doen't become anorexic you can die of it

What does a healthy girl look like?

In between Skinny and Fat. Not anorexic but not fat, they should have meat on their bones.

How can you become anorexic when you love food?

because people like me ... we hate food its our worst enemy your staving yourself ... to become thinner you cant just become Anorexic you know ... its a decease in the mind. you don't just become it some are born with it! if you want to be anorexic you will be a wanmanorexic anorexic is a mental condition in the brain where as a wannanoriexic isn't it means you want the decease. or to be like one.

Can i become anorexic if I am 13?

yes of course you can