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Q: When you create a death knight does it replace your Level 55?
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Do you have to have a 55 to get a deathknight in wow?

Yes, to get a death knight, you must already have a character which is level 55 or higher on the server you wish to create the death knight.

Where do you find the quest to become death knight in world of warcraft?

To create a Death Knight, you must have at least one character ( on any realm) that is level 55 or higher. This will open the option to create a new death knight character on any realm. Unfortunately, you can't turn an existing character into a death knight

I want to make a Death Knight but not change my account how is it done?

You are just simply adding a character to a realm (any realm). It is not going to change anything, just make sure you have a level 55. Because you need a level 55 to create a Death Knight. ----- You do not have to change realms if you do not want to, but you can only have one Death Knight per realm. To create a Death Knight, simply click the create character button on the character select screen (assuming you have space available to create it) and go from there.

Can you make 2 death knights on different realms if you have only 1 level 55?

No, you MUST have a character that is already level 55+The only way to get a death knight is to have a level 55+ character and you must have a Wraith of the Lich King account from buying the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Also when you have a level 55-80 character, you can make a death knight on any server and the death knight is automatically level 55 when you start.

How do you become a death knight?

You have to install Wrath of the Lich King and all the WoW expansions before that. You log into your account and go to the create a character. Under every race there should be a death knight option for class. However, you MUST have a character that is level of 55 in order to create a death knight. This is because the Death Knight is a hero class. If you don't have lich king or you don't have a level 55 you can't have a death knight. And you don't BECOME a dk you create a dk. [YOU CAN ONLY CREATE ONE DEATH KNIGHT (DK) PER SERVER] If you want to become a death knight, stand at your window in the full moon, climb onto your roof once you see it, then shout out: I OBEY THE LICHKING! I SHALL KILL ALL HUMANS AND OTHER MORTALS IN MY QUEST TO BECOME HIS MOST TRUSTED SERVANT!

If you make another guy on World of Warcraft will it have the same level?

New characters always begin at level 1 unless you create a Death Knight. Death Knights begin at level 55. You must already have a character at level 55 on your account on any realm in order to create Death Knights. You must also have Wrath of the Lich King.

When you get a level 55 human in WoW to get the Death Knight can you delete that character and still get the death Knight?

As long as you have one level 55 (any class or race) on any server on your account, you can make a Death Knight. But you need to keep at least one level 55. Now, if you have a level 55 character, make a Death Knight, and want to delete the character you had, then you can.

Level 69 mage but I can't get a death knight what gives?

You need Wrath of the Lich King installed in order to create a Death Knight, if you already have it installed then I suggest you contact Blizzard. Yes you need to install WOTLK and have a lvl 70 character, then you may create a death knight (lvl 55) as many times as you want but only once per realm and faction.

Can you only make one death knight per level 55 character?

Yes because you can only have 1 deathknight Per server without 2 accounts. When you have a level 55 character on any server, you can also create a single Death Knight on any other server.

What class could be the easiest to level after your death-knight?

You should level whatever class you feel like leveling after your Death Knight. No one can tell you what to level. It is completely up to you.

What class should you level after your death knight?


What level could you become a death knight?

55 i think my brother was talking to me and he said that hes going to become a death night at that level The level you can become a death knight is level 55. You also need to install the Wrath of The Lich King expansion pack.