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Q: When you cut or copy text in gedit it is placed in?
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Cut is faster or copy?

Cut and Copy are two different functions of Word. Cut will take the Highlighted text from your word document and delete it. When you paste it will move the deleted text to where ever you paste. Copy just dupilcates the highlighted text where ever you paste.

What between copy and paste and cut and paste?

Copy function will leave copied text or graphic as it is, while Cut function will delete text or graphic but you can still paste it.

What is the different between copy and paste and cut and paste?

Copy duplicates text but cut removes it and puts it somewhere else

What is the different between cut and copy?

Cut will take the original away, and Paste onto the destination. Copy take a copy of the original, and paste onto the destination. The difference is the original object (the text, the file, the folder, etc) remain in tack (no alternation) for Copy, the original be moved (the Cut)

What happens when the text is cut or copied?

The original text stays where it was, and if you select paste a copy of the text appears where you have your cursor.

When text is moved from document to office clipboard?

when you cut text, the text is removed from the document and placed on the office clipboard.

When you use cut or copy command the selected text is stored in?

The Clipboard.

Before you can cut or copy text what must first do?

Click and highlight the text written then right click and it will give you options and press copy then go on to where ever you want it to be pasted and right click there and press paste (an option on the given list)

Which of the following is not a viable way to move text in MS Word A cut B cut and copy C copy and paste D cut and copy E erase and copy?

The options presented are as follows:A cutB cut and copyC copy and pasteD cut and copyE erase and copyIn order to move text you need to Cut and Paste, or drag it with the mouse, or use the F2 key and the Enter key. So the none of the options above, as given, are viable ways.

How many processes are involve in copying text?

2 (highlight and copy) 4(copy and paste) (cut and paste)

When you cut text it is placed temporaily in the computer's memory and disappears from the screen?


What is difference between cut and copy?

Cut will take the original away, and Paste onto the destination. Copy take a copy of the original, and paste onto the destination. The difference is the original object (the text, the file, the folder, etc) remain in tack (no alternation) for Copy, the original be moved (the Cut)