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It doesn't suddenly rush there, but it does settle to the lowest point which depends on the position of the body.

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Q: When you die does your blood rush to the bottom of your body or does it stay in the same place?
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it rushes to your feeet because that is the most sensative part on your body and your blood travels all down your body it cannot just go to one part of your body it has to travel trough your whole body hope that ive helped x

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A Rush of Blood to the Head was created on 2002-08-26.

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The Rush for Second Place was created in 2002.

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No Xplode can provide a rush of energy. It gets blood flowing to the muscles and helps you lift harder for longer.

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The following is the track listing for Coldplay's A Rush of Blood to the Head.1. "Politik"2. "In My Place"3. "God Put a Smile upon Your Face"4. "The Scientist"5. "Clocks"6. "Daylight"7. "Green Eyes"8. "Warning Sign"9. "A Whisper"10. "A Rush of Blood to the Head"11. "Amsterdam"