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Q: When you do a push up from the floor what kind of movement describes the motion of your elbow?
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When you do push-up from the floor what kind of movement describes the motion of your elbow?

c. Extension

What causes tsunami and earthquakes in Japan?

Earthquakes in Japan are caused by the movement of tectonic plates. A tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by sudden motion on the ocean floor which can be triggered by earthquakes.

What motion of the sea floor is responsible for the formation of the mid ridge Atlantic ridge's rift valley?

A Diverging Motion. Away from each other, a kind of spliting or movement apart from one another.

What is Elbow flexed at 90 degrees rotating forearm so that palm is facing the floor?

If the elbow is flexed, the palm of the hand can not face the floor. If the elbow is at 90 degrees that is what flexion is. If you rotate the forearm, the palm will face anteriorly. If you don't, the palm will face posteriorly. The only way to have the palm face the floor is for the forearm to be extended and the forearm pronated.

Can a club President present a motion on the floor?

Yes. According to Roberts Rules of Order they can, but not while they are presiding in a meeting. They can some one to do the motion for them and another second the motion. It should, then, be opened to the floor for discussion and either a vote taken or tabled for future meetings. This also requires a motion and second from the floor and then a vote.

You push on the side of a toy truck rolling along the floor What will happen to the motion of the truck?

When you push on the side of a toy truck that is rolling along the floor, the motion of the truck will slow. This is due to friction caused by the sideways motion.

What ocean floor feature is formed by movement of earths plate?

what other ocean floor feature is fromed by movement of earth's plates

Define motion with a suitable example?

Motion is the displacement of mass or energy from one location to another.Example: When I leave my socks on the floor at night and find them in the laundry bag in the morning,I am justified in inferring that motion has taken place at some time during the night.The same phenomenon is often referred to as "movement", especially among the bourgeouisie.

If you drop a sponge on the floor, is the sponge dirty or is the floor clean?

To be completely honest it depends on if your floor is dirty or not. If your floor is really dirty then the sponge is dirty. but in order for your floor to be clean when u 'drop' a sponge you have to apply elbow grease to clean it.

What popular hispanic dance routine is named because of the dancers resemblence to egg beaters in motion?

The popular Hispanic dance routine named after egg beater motion is called merengue it can trace its meaning from the movement on the dance floor that could remind one of an egg beater in action

How does walking across the floor involve newton third law of motion?

You push against the floor; the floor pushes against you - in the opposite direction.

Which movement is limited to the floor?

limited eye movement, trauma, abducent disorder, spontaneous Orbital floor fractures, also known as blowout fractures, are fracturers.