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Q: When you drag a piece of calcite across an unglazed porcelain plat it leaves behing a white line?
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How is a Rainbow Visible?

it is when it is cloudy and warm when it starts raining you can see it but the sun has to be out shining behing the rainbow a rainbow is like rain in front of you a rainbow is made by rain and sunshine and clouds

Is easten time 2 hours behing or ahead from mountain time?

Eastern Standard Time (EST) is one hour ahead of Mountain Daylight Saving Time (MDT). EST is two hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time (MST). Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) is two hours ahead of MDT. EDT is three hours ahead of MST.

930 EST is what time PST?

8:00 pm CST would be 6:00 pm PST In addition, to see what an equivalent time is in any US/Canadian Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone - reference the following time conversion table:

How is a front defined in terms of weather?

In meteorology, a front is a boundary between two air masses, which can't mix each other due to their properties like their temperature, their pressure and their relative humidity. A front is associated with a low pressure system, a system where the atmospheric pressure is lower than the surrounding areas. There are several types of fronts, which have different properties in the cloud and precipitation formation such as the warm fronts, the cold fronts, the stationary fronts, the occluded fronts and some others. A warm front is a type of meteorological front where the warm air mass comes up on the cold air mass. The warm, light and dilated air goes over the cold, heavy and dense air. The warm front is associated with covered weather and sometimes rainy, usually with high clouds such as cirrus which will become nimbostratus or altostratus. A warm front is associated with warm, cloudy weather (sometimes moderated rainy) and with an atmospheric pressure decreasing progressively. A cold front is a type of meteorological front where the cold air mass comes down under the warm air mass. The cold, heavy and dense air goes under the warm, light and dilated air. The cold front is generally associated with cirrocumulus and altocumulus and the clouds are rarely high in the sky. Behing a cold front, there is clear skies and sunny weather because there is usually a high pressure system behind a cold front. But clear skies also follow warm fronts. Cold fronts tend to move faster than warm fronts because the cold air is denser than the warm air and is harder to move. Globally, all the fronts are associated by a change in the weather, which is more brutal in cold fronts than in warm fronts.

How does humerus help your body?

The function of the large head of the humerus is to allow for this great amount of movement. The humerus also provides various muscular attachment that provide for both extension and flexion of the arm. The distal end of the humerus articulates with the olecranon of the ulna and provides a very stable joint, which only allows for flexion of the arm and no extension.The humerus provides support and structure for the muscles of the upper arm.It is the connection between the scapula joint (shoulder joint) and the radius and ulna joint (elbow joint) and it supports the movement of your arm. It has insertion points for muscles, and it produces blood cells, and minerals like calcium and phosphorous from blood marrow.In terms of structure, the humerus serves as a connection between the scapula and the elbow, where it links to the two lower arm bones.The humerus bone of the upper arm (the arm in anatomy refers only to the top part of the upper limb i.e. between the elbow and the shoulder). Like all bones it gives shape to the body and acts as an attachment site for the muscles around it.Most of the muscles that actually move the humerus are within the region called the thorax or torso. The humerus joins the thorax at the glenohumeral joint (the shoulder joint) which is a synovial joint, or freely moving joint. It is actually designeda as a ball-and-socket type of joint. At this joint there are many movements that can occur: Flexion (the arm is brought up forwards so the elbow is at shoulder height), extenstion (the reverse of flexion, so the arm is pushed backwards behing the body), Abduction (the arm is lifted up and out from the side, like flapping it); adduction (the arm is lowered back into the side of the body, like unflapping it), if all four of these are combined you get circumduction (swinging your arms around in circles, forming a cone shape); rotation (when the shoulder is turned forwards or backwards).The muscles that are found on and around the humerus are mostly for acting on the forearm, i.e. at the elbow joint. This joint is a synnovial hinge joint and as such only two movements occur here: Flexion (bending the elbow) and Extension (straightening it).Their biceps brachi (or biceps) muscle is also found around the humerus but it is not really very involved in flexion of the elbow as many would believe. It is in fact used for supination of the forearm bone, the radialis, which means it turns the radius over the ulna. When they lie parallel next to each other, this is when the palm is facing forwards. Only when the forearm is fully supinated can the biceps act to flex the elbow joint. Otherwise the braachialis, a synergist to the biceps, does most of the work.The humerus is the bone of the arm. The arm in anatomy refers only to the top part of the upper limb between the elbow and the shoulder.The humerus allows you to reach, pull, lift, push and rotate objects.Humerus is the bone of arm , it connects the shoulder joint (scapula) to the elbow joint (ulna&radius) , it (with muscles) forms the main bulk of the upper arm . Humerus is a bone that is found in the arm and it help you to move your arm so you can pick stuff up.

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