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Q: When you drop a golf ball to the pavement it bounces up. Is a force needed to make it bounce up?
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When a golf ball is dropped to the pavement it bounces back up a Is a force needed to make it bounce back up b if so what exerts the force?

The force is that of it hitting the pavement since every action has an equal and opposite reaction. or if you want a more precise answer it is the weak force which keeps the atoms separate and then makes it go up because the atoms are to close.

When an air molecule bounces off an object it?

whe a air molecule bounces of and object it puts force in to the object that it bounce of

Does the size of a ball effect how high it bounces?

Not to any appreciable extent. Bounce is caused by the elasticity of the material comprising the ball and the surface on which it is bounced.For example, on concrete a basketball will bounce higher than a baseball, but a golf ball--How high it bounces depends on how much force you exert on it. If you only let it drop, it will not bounce higher that the point you dropped it from and every time it bounces, it will go less and less high. anyway, the bigger the ball, the more force you will have to exert on it to make it bounce higher than the point it was dropped, or "bounced" from.

If you drop a rubber ball on the floor it bounces back up what force acts on the ball to provide the bounce?

gravity, compretion

How a soccer ball bounces?

A soccer ball bounces as the air particles in them hit and apply pressure at the ball, when it hits a surface, the pressure from the particles apply a force on the ball. Thus, making it bounce.

Why does a basketball bounce with more air?

The more air the higher it will bounce, the less air the lower it will bounce assuming the exact same amount of force is applied in each case. You do not want a ball that bounces too easily or one that is hard to make bounce. The reason it bounces higher with more air is because the outer cover is drawn tighter when more air is applied internally. The tighter the cover the higher it will bounce because it has more spring to it.

How does gravity affect the bounce of a basketball?

Gravity affects the bounce of a basketball because if there is gravity, the basketball will come back down after it bounces. But if there is no gravity, the basketball will bounce and travel indefinitely upwards and never come back down until a gravitational force pulls the basketball towards it.

Does the mass of the ball affect how high it bounces?

a ball can never bounce over the height from which it was bounced unless u aplly a force. The factors that affect the bounce of a dropped ball include the height from which it is dropped; the force applied to it, if any, when dropped; the acceleration of gravity, which is different depending upon what planet you're one; the elasticity of the ball; the density of the atmosphere, which affects "air resistance"; and the rigidity and elasticity of the surface on which the ball bounces. weight also affect the bounce height.

Why differences surfaces affect how high a ball bounces?

Some surfaces absorb the impact of the ball, thus not "reflecting" the force upward. If you try to bounce a ball on a matress it probably won't bounce much, because much of the impact is absorbed by the matress. If you bounce a ball on the street. You will definetely see a much better response. This is because the ground is not very flexible and does not absorb impact, so most of the strength that is put into throwing the ball downwards is returned.

Why does a bounceing ball rise to a lower height with each bounce?

A bouncing ball lowers and its height each time it bounces because of gravity counter acts the force of rise

Why does a tennis ball bounce high in hot weather?

A tennis ball bounces higher in hot weather than in cold weather because the density of air is less in this weather, due to which the frictional force is reduced

How does a ball bounce scientifically?

Everything is made of electricity that wants to keep it's shape. When the ball reaches the ground no contact is made. Electrical force from both push away from each other. So the ball bounces back up. The shape of the ball compresses because of this force, until springing back into shape. It's from this springing back into shape that the ball bounces so high. Even a wooden spoon bounces, just not as high; same principal.