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Q: When you drop a stone into a pool water waves spread out from where the stone landed. why?
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When a tsunami occurs does it travel in circles?

Sort of, if you throw a stone into water, the ripples spread out as waves form the point where the stone splashed into the water. It is the same with Tsunami waves they spread out from their point (or line) of origin and cross the oceans.

Does the earth shake in the earthquake?

yes,the shock waves spread in all directions like when we throw a stone in a pool of water,as the shock waves goes further the power of the shock decreases

How are electromagnetic waves similar to water waves?

Both electromagnetic waves and water waves are forms of energy propagation. They both exhibit wave-like behavior with characteristics such as frequency, wavelength, and amplitude. Additionally, they both can be reflected, refracted, diffracted, and absorbed.

Are earthquake waves different from the concentric rings of waves when you throw a stone in the water?

Yes the two waves are different.

If a rock is dropped in water and waves spread over the flat surface of the water What becomes of the energy in these waves when they die out?

The energy in the waves is transferred into other forms, such as heat through friction with the water and surrounding materials, as well as small vertical movements of the water particles. Eventually, the energy dissipates and is no longer noticeable as waves on the surface of the water.

How is a change in an ecosystem like a ripple after a stone is thrown into a pond?

A change in an ecosystem can cause a ripple effect, where one change triggers a series of interconnected consequences across different parts of the ecosystem. Just like how a stone's impact creates ripples that spread outward in a pond, an ecosystem change can disrupt the balance and relationships between different organisms and components within it. This ripple effect can lead to cascading impacts on biodiversity, food chains, and overall ecosystem health.

How waves travels?

Waves travel by transferring energy from one point to another without transferring matter. As a wave passes through a medium, the particles of the medium vibrate in place, transferring the energy of the wave along the direction of propagation. This transfer of energy can be seen in various types of waves, such as sound waves, water waves, and electromagnetic waves.

When a stone is thown in the calm water of a pond the waves produced on the surface of water in the pond are?

Ripples i believe you are looking for

How are sound waves and water waves?

Two main ways. First water waves are essentially two dimensional, i.e. on the surface of water, and sound waves are three dimensional - they (generally) spread out in all directions from the source of the sound. Second water waves are up and down undulations in the water, and are therefore at right angles to the direction of motion (transverse waves). Sound waves are compressions and rarefactions in the same direction as the direction of motion (longitudinal waves).

How do the waves and rocks affect each other?

they would make a hard stone and there would be blockage in the water

What form will waves have if stone is tossed into smoothly flowing water.?

The same circles will form and travel downstream

How do waves and rocks affect each other?

they would make a hard stone and there would be blockage in the water