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Probly they have teeth just like us if you look at them!!

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Q: When you feed your horses treat and sugar can they get cavities?
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Feeding your horse sugary sweets can it give them cavities?

Horses are not plagued by dental cavities, so not sugary treast wikk not cause cavities. Limiting the amout of these treats is cautioned though because the horse may come to expect the treats and become 'spoiled', with an increased tendency to bite when a treat isn't given.

What low sugar treat can you feed your horse?

for a treat you can feed a horse carrots, apples and sugar cubes!

Can feeding a horse sugar give them cavities in their teeth?

It sure can! The horse will get cavities in its teeth if you feed it too many sugary treats.

Can horses have all types of sugar?

No way!!! Sugar should not be fed a lot or your horse could get very sick!!! When you do feed it feed it normal white sugar

Do horses eat sweets?

I eat sugar cubes daily and i am a horse called mac gyver Horses also like their manes pat -------- YOU'VE REVEALED TOO MUCH!! THE HORSYE GUILD WILL BE AFTER YOU NOW FOR EXPOSING THE HORSEY SECRETS!!

What is a treat for horses?

Some treats for horses generalize in what you want your treat to be for. If you are looking for a kind, sweet treat, here's what you could offer your friend: Sugar Lumps (Not too many) Apples Carrots Pears Mints Bulk food (As a little tasty treat, not a whole feed) And those bags of pony treats you see in those stores. :D

What. Do. Hores eat?

horses can eat apples, sugar, carrots, and grass, but dont feed your horse sugar TOO often

Is caramel corn okay for horses to eat?

No, caramel corn is not a good thing for horses to eat. Corn is full of starch which breaks down into sugar and can make horses hyper from too many excess calories. Carmel is also more sugar and doesn't do anything good for the horse. If you wish to feed your horse a treat you can make healthier yet tasty treats at home or buy some made specifically for horses.

What kinds of sugars cause cavities the most?

Any type of foods which are either made of simple sugars or which are converted to sugar causes cavities. The problem is when the teeth aren't properly cared for by brushing and flossing, which gives bacteria more time to feed on the sugars. Of course the higher sugar content the food is, the worse it is in terms of the potential for cavities.

Can a horse get cavities when you feed it sugary foods and treats?

Sugary treats do not usually cause cavities in horses . Horses' teeth continue to grow all their life and need to be looked at once a year. Food trapped between the horse's teeth or growth at odd angles are more likely to cause decay. If you are worried about the amount of sweet treats you give, try some treats designed just for horses. A friend of mine has a pony that is not allowed sugary treats as he is prone to Laminitus so she buys sugar free sweets.

Does horses eat carrots?

They love carrots! Best to feed it as a treat though, just like you would an apple.

How can you get close to horses?

As with any animal, feed it something special as a treat. Horses love slices of carrot, apple, even banana peels sometimes, and when hungry. Once you have don that, they will always remember you and hope you bring them a treat.