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No it will work exactly the same you will just have a longer lasting period of power.

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Q: When you feel a heat wave for four days in the summer does it mean that solar energy from the Sun is stronger?
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What are the main two disadvantages of solar energy?

solar energy cannot be collected at night or cloudy days, and when they turn the solar {sunlight} to make energy it releases a harmful chemical.

During which season in the northern hemisphere is the sun's heat stronger and the days longer?


Explain some of the limitations of solar energy?

solar energy is available only when the sun is shining. Solar collectors and cells work less efficiently on cloudy days. they don't work at all at night. and during winter, when days are short, the collectors and cells generate less energy.

What is bad about solar power?

If it is cloudy or rainy for a few days strait you may have trouble using solar energy

When people started to use the solar energy?

Solar energy has been in continual use since the earliest days of our planet. Anything that grows runs on solar energy. The earliest men understood that the sunlight was necessary for things to grow, and later, to help dry food for preservation. That's "solar energy".

Why are winter days colder then summer days?

Because whe it is winter to norther hemisphere is pointing away from the sun which means lower temperatures, but in summer it is pointing to the sun which means warmer temperatures.

Why it is essential to use solar energy now a days?

Have you heard of CO2... And BTW it's a nearly infinite source of energy.

What happens to solar energy that reaches Earth?

In India we have 300 sunny days - but we ignore this renewable energy to produce electricity.

Is solar energy a renewable or nonremewable resource?

Solar power is considered a renewable energy source, simply because we always will generally have sunlight. Cloudy days and night time aside.

Is solar energy a success or failure?

It's a success, in the way that it is true that solar energy does produce energy. However, there are many problems with this source of energy. For example, on cloudy days, it won't work as well, and at night it won't work at all. Some people save energy in batteries for nighttime from solar energy, but batteries can't hold all that much energy, and once they are used they have to be disposed of, which pollutes the Earth. So it does provide sufficient energy, given that it is sunny. Though, it isn't very widely used. Out of all the sources of energy, I believe only 0.5% is solar.

Why are they living on venus all summer in a day?

This may be a vague reference to the fact that there are roughly 2 of Venus's "solar days" in one Venus year.

When did Summer Days happen?

Summer Days happened in 2006.