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Q: When you freely suspend a magnet which pole rests in north direction and which in south?
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Will coir rope give north South direction if suspended freely?

No, to get north or south you need to suspend a magnet.

When you suspend a magnet freely why does it always lie in north and south direction?

A magnet always points towards north and south if suspended freely because it gets attracted to the north and south poles of the earth. The east and west have weaker magnetism power.

Does a freely suspended magnet always point in the north south direction?

Yes. A freely suspended magnet always point in the north south direction.

How we can find west direction by bar magnet?

If you suspend the magnet in a way that it can rotate freely (for example, hang it from a thread), one of its ends will point north. If you know which end that is (you may want to mark it), west is 90 degrees to the left of north.

What happens when a magnet is freely suspended?

it will rest in the north - south direction

How do you test whether a given rod is a magnet or not?

To start with we can suspend it freely by tying with a torsion less thread. If the axis of the rod always stands along north-south direction then we can conclude that the rod is a magnet. Moreover as we bring pins or nails then they will be attracted by the rod. This confirms that the rod is magnetic.

Why does a freely suspended magnet point in the north-south direction?

A freely suspended magnet always points in north - south direction. This is because its south pole is attracted by earth 's north pole and the north pole of the magnet is attracted by the earth 's south pole. when we hang it freely it automatically starts pointing in north-south direction. The magnetic compass also works on the same principle.

What would a freely suspended magnet do?

A freely-suspended magnet will come to rest in a North- South direction -The pole which points to the north is the North Pole -The pole which points at south is the South Pole

Why a freely suspended magnet comes to rest in north south direction?

It reacts to the magnetic field of the Earth.

When a magnet is suspended or freely aligned in which direction will it alight?

Along an axis between the North and South Magnetic Poles.

Use of horse shoe magnet?

Hang the horse shoe magnet from the middle of the U portion in inverted U position and suspend it freely, after some time the south pole of the magnet will be north and nothpole south will be in inverted u position.

Why are the poles of a magnet called N and S?

When a magnet is freely suspended at its center it will set itself along the north-south direction. The tip pointing towards the geographical north direction is called the north pole and the other tip is called the south pole.