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Q: When you get DVT does the leg feel like its burning?
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Can lidoderm be used for dvt leg pain?

Yes, the Lidoderm patch can be used for DVT leg pains. This patch has many side affects, so the user should check with a physician before use.

Lower left leg near the vein it throbs?

Maybe a thrombophlebitis or DVT.

What is the goal of DVT treatment?

The goal of DVT treatment is prevention of clots travelling, growing and recurring. Also part of this treatment is to avoid leg pain and swelling and further complications.

A DVT in 1987 and has caused leg swelling and leg ulcers due to swelling of the leg Are there any ways to restore the venous leg circulation through surgical procedures?

if you go to a hospital

Why is deep vein thrombosis DVT common in left leg?

Deep Vein Thrombosis can occur in either leg, with about an equal occurrence for right or left leg. DVT can also occur in the arms or upper body with a fairly even occurrence for right or left side. Please see related links.

What complications can occur when a blood clot in the leg dislodges?

If there is a clot in the leg, a DVT (deep vein thrombosis), when it breaks loose it could cause a pulmonary embolus, which is a medical emergency, and if severe enough could cause death.

When was suiside an issue?

When you can take the horrible feeling of sweating, burning, tingling, creepy crawling in my leg's, arms, and back. I can't afford the treatments and I feel sometimes like stabbing myself or killing myself!

What does non oclusive femoral DVT mean?

DVT means "deep vein thrombosis", which is a fancy saying for a blood clot in the leg. Non occlusive means it's not blocking blood flow, femoral refers to the location. Therefore, it means there's a blood clot in the upper portion of the leg, but it's not completely blocking bloodflow. Hope this helps :)

What could pain in the back of leg be while pregnant?

It could be a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) a blood clot in the lower leg which can break free and move to the lungs where it can be life threatening. Go and see a doctor.

What does it mean when you break your leg in a dream?

When you dream of your leg breaking it could mean that you feel like you're unbalanced, or maybe someone in your path will make you feel weak and unsure of your decisions.

What is the pathophysiology of DVT?

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot, known as a thrombus, in the deep leg vein.The deep veins that lie near the center of the leg are surrounded by powerful muscles that contractand force deoxygenated blood back to the lungs and heart. When the circulation of the blood slows down due to illness, injury or inactivity, blood can accumulate which provides an ideal setting for clot formation.Symptoms•Discoloration of the legs•Calf or leg pain or tenderness•Swelling of the leg or lower limb•Warm skin•Surface veins become more visible•Leg fatigueLeft untreated, a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can break off and travel in the circulation, getting trapped in the lung, where it blocks the oxygen supply, causing heart failure. This is known as a pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal.

Can coumadin cause extreme leg cramps?

I'm an RN, never heard of anyone complain of leg cramps with Coumadin. However leg cramps, redness swelling or tenderness in the calves can be signs of a DVT (blood clot in the leg). Probably your best bet would be to consult your doctor and rule out anything serious.