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colder, the farther up you go, the lower the tempurature

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Q: When you get higher in the atmosphere does the air get warmer or colder?
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What would happen if the air in the upper atmosphere were warmer than the water vapor that was continued in the air?

If the air in the in the upper atmosphere were warmer than the water vapor that was continued in the air would make the earth colder in the air.

Why does it get colder the higher you go to the mountain?

It gets colder the higher you climb a mountain because of the lower air pressure.

Do higher wind speeds increase air temperature?

They can bring warmer air, but typically they don't change it, and it feels colder.

Does sound travel faster in warmer or colder air?

I would think in warmer Air....

Colder air holds less moisture than warmer air?

If air is holding as much moisture as it can, colder air holds less than warmer.

Does warmer air push up colder air?

No, cold air pushes up warmer air because the warmer air is less dense.

What is created when colder air sinks below warmer air and pushes warmer air upward?

Air Currents

Which holds more moisture warmer air or colder air?

The air that holds the most moisture in their air hole is warmer.

Why does temperature drop with height?

Since air is relatively transparent to sunlight, solar radiation passes through it easily and heats the ground. The atmosphere then gets heated from the ground and the atmosphere is warmer near the ground. As warm air rises from the ground, it expands and cools, and the sum result is colder air at higher altitudes than at the surface.

As an airplane flies higher in the air what happens to the atmosphere outside the plane?

It gets thinner (the pressure drops) and colder.

How does the water get in the atmosphere?

Here are 3 ways water vapor can get cooled in the atmosphere: 1. One way that air cools is by being pushed upward over mountains by winds. 2. Heating of air also causes it to rise. When the ground is strongly heated by the sun, air above the ground gets warmed and rises. As the air expands, it cools. 3. Air can also be pushed upward when cooler air and warmer air meet. When the two meet, they don't mix. The lighter, warm air is pushed up over the heavier, cold air. The result is that the warm air is pushed up higher into the atmosphere, where it cools... The closer to the atmosphere it is, it gets cooler, because, there is more air pressure the higher you go, so it is colder when you are near the atmosphere or you're climbing a mountain and you keep going higher or somthing... So at sea level, where all life exists, it is much warmer than it is in the atmosphere!

How does water vapor get cooled in the atmosphere?

Here are 3 ways water vapor can get cooled in the atmosphere: 1. One way that air cools is by being pushed upward over mountains by winds. 2. Heating of air also causes it to rise. When the ground is strongly heated by the sun, air above the ground gets warmed and rises. As the air expands, it cools. 3. Air can also be pushed upward when cooler air and warmer air meet. When the two meet, they don't mix. The lighter, warm air is pushed up over the heavier, cold air. The result is that the warm air is pushed up higher into the atmosphere, where it cools... The closer to the atmosphere it is, it gets cooler, because, there is more air pressure the higher you go, so it is colder when you are near the atmosphere or you're climbing a mountain and you keep going higher or somthing... So at sea level, where all life exists, it is much warmer than it is in the atmosphere!