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Q: When you go down the group 1 the more reactive why?
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What kind of group one are the most reactive?

The elements in group 1 become more reactive as you go down the group.

Do the halogens become more reactive or less reactive as they go lower down the group?

The most reactive halogens - fluorone and chlorine - are in the upper part of the group.

Are the most reactive metals in the middle of the periodic table?

No the most reactive metals are in the first group on the periodic table. They get more reactive as you go down a group

What is the least reactive metal in the alkali metal group?

Lithium - As it is first in Group 1. Group 1 elemts become more reactive as you go down the group.

Which element in group 6 is the most reactive?

Elements are more reactive as you go down the periodic table and to the left.

Why group 7 elements get more reactive as you go down the group from fluorine to iodine?

There can not be any reason, because the premise is not true: Group 7 elements become less rather than more reactive from fluorine to iodine.

Why do alkali metals become more reactive the farther you go down on the periodic table?

The ionization energy is lower down in the group.

As you go down a period does the element become more reactive or less reactive when placed in water?

more reactive

Is it true that the most chemically reactive metals are in group 1 of the periodic table of elements?

Yes. The most chemically reactive metals are in group 1. To add to that, as you go down the periodic table, in group 1, they become more reactive. Potassium is more reactive than Sodium, and Cesium is more reactive than Rubidium. The same general trend occurs throughout the periodic table. The lower down you go in any given column, the elements are more reactive than the last, and the further left you go in each row, the elements are more reactive than the last. (There are exceptions however.) It has to do with electronegativity.

What is the periodic trend for reactivity of metals?

Metals Period - reactivity decreases as you go from left to right across a period.Group - reactivity increases as you go down a group Why? The farther to the left and down the periodic chart you go, the easier it is for electrons to be given or taken away, resulting in higher reactivity.Non-metals Period - reactivity increases as you go from the left to the right across a period.Group - reactivity decreases as you go down the group. Why? The farther right and up you go on the periodic table, the higher the electronegativity, resulting in a more vigorous exchange of electron.

Are group 2 elements highly reactive?

Reactivity increases as you go down the group. Radiom is far more reactive than Beryllium.

How does the strength of the reaction with water vary as you move down the group of alkali metals?

as you go down there are more electrons on the outer shells which makes them more reactive when in contact with water